[UA-discuss] Published UASG 043 UA-Ready Code Samples in Java, Python, and JavaScript

Seda Akbulut seda.akbulut at icann.org
Thu Nov 17 19:00:25 UTC 2022

Dear UASG members,

Based on the Statement of Work<https://community.icann.org/display/TUA/UA+Statements+of+Work?preview=/126421223/176619946/SOW%20for%20Programming%20Languages%20Solutions%20and%20Bug%20Reports%2020210809%5B3%5D.pdf> the Technology Working Group created, a new study has been published on UASG.tech, ”UA-Ready Code Samples in Java, Python, and JavaScript”.

UASG 043 report provides Universal Acceptance (UA)-ready code samples that can be used freely (BSD 3 License included) to make software systems completely UA-ready.

Following report and presentation have been published on the UASG Document Hub. Here are quick links for your convenience:

  1.  UASG 043 (PDF) Report  https://uasg.tech/download/uasg-043-ua-ready-code-samples-in-java-python-and-javascript-en/
  2.  UASG 043A (PPT) Presentation https://uasg.tech/download/uasg-043a-ua-ready-code-samples-in-java-python-and-javascript-en/

Enjoy reading the blog about this most recent work: https://uasg.tech/2022/11/make-your-systems-ua-ready-with-our-new-code-samples/

Please share within your developers network to adopt UA ready codes in their software application.

Best regards,
Seda Akbulut

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