[UA-discuss] UASG Working Group Chairs and Vice Chairs

Seda Akbulut seda.akbulut at icann.org
Wed Aug 9 21:29:23 UTC 2023

Dear Universal Acceptance (UA) Community,

Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG) Admin Team confirmed the UASG Working Groups’ chairs and vice chairs for FY24.

On behalf of UASG Admin Team, I am pleased to announce the UASG Working Groups’ chairs and vice chairs:
Working Group


Vice Chairs


Anil Kumar Jain

Raymond Mamattah
Sandra Rodriguez


Mark Svancarek

Abdalmonem Galila
Nitin Walia


Nabil Benamar

Imran Hossen


Satish Babu

Jabhera Matogoro

Congratulations to our new vice chairs!

A heartfelt thank you to WG chairs and existing vice chairs. Your guidance, dedication and leadership are truly commendable.

Rajiv Kumar and Abhishek Mishra stepped down from their Technology WG vice chair roles. We also thank them for their contribution so far.

The UASG Leadership and the ICANN IDN and UA Program staff would like to congratulate all Working Group leaders and we wish you every success in achieving UA goals.
Best regards,
Seda Akbulut

UA Program Manager
Global Domains and Strategy
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

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