[UA-discuss] Engaging with the interim ICANN CEO

Mark Datysgeld mark at governanceprimer.com
Mon Mar 13 16:34:13 UTC 2023


During today's in-person ICANN Org. Q&A today, I talked on the 
microphone about the Universal Acceptance community's work in creating 
technical resources and the many advancements we have made over the past 
few years in testing different coding languages, libraries, systems, and 
other achievements.

Following from that, I invited interim CEO Sally Costerton and her staff 
to meet with us virtually so we can present these documents and, in 
particular, work out ways for the org. to bring this knowledge to their 
events and engagements around the world.

Sally has accepted the invitation, and once ICANN 76 wraps up, I'd like 
for us to coordinate to make this meeting happen so we can keep reaching 
more people.


Mark W. Datysgeld [markwd.website <https://markwd.website>]
Director at Governance Primer [governanceprimer.com 
ICANN GNSO Councilor
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