[UA-discuss] 2023 UASG Elections and Chair Candidates

Bomi Choi Bomichoi_mocom at proton.me
Mon Mar 13 22:54:17 UTC 2023

Thank you for the update, Seda, and congratulations to Anil and Satish.
When does the voting period begin on March 14th?
Just a quick comment on the UASG Leadership Election Process document you shared. It states that Chairs and Vice-Chairs may serve for no less than two years and no more than four years, which means one term of two years and a maximum of two terms concurrently. What happens after that? Is there a Colling period after which any Chairs and Vice-Chairs can apply again and run again? In NomCOM, we have a two-year Colling period after each term.

There is no clarification in the document. I hope it's not the current intention that once someone has server 2 terms, they can never apply for that position again in their entire life span? If so than it must be thought again by the UASG community , do we really want to loose all leaders permanently.

It's also surprising that the uasg.tech website contains no details regarding previous UASG leaders.


------- Original Message -------
On Monday, March 6th, 2023 at 12:14, Seda Akbulut via UA-discuss <ua-discuss at icann.org> wrote:

> Dear Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG) Community,
> On behalf of the Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG), we are pleased to share the self-nominations of candidates for the 2023 UASG chair election as per the [UASG charter](https://uasg.tech/uasg-charter/) and Election Process available at https://uasg.tech/operational-documents/.
> Candidates (in alphabetical order):
> -  Anil Kumar Jain
> -  Satish Babu
> Their Statements of Interest (SOI) are attached.
> Thank you for your input on the voting period for the chair position of UASG. To allow for those traveling to ICANN76, voting period is shifted to start on 14th March 2023, and will end on 26th March 2023.
> Eligible voters should expect an email from eballot.com when the voting period starts. If you do not receive email from eballot.com, please check your SPAM folder.
> If you have any queries, feel free to contact us at info at uasg.tech.
> Kind regards,
> UASG Election Coordination Team
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