[UA-discuss] Update in the ICANN76 UA Session Room

Seda Akbulut seda.akbulut at icann.org
Tue Mar 14 16:10:57 UTC 2023

Dear UASG members,

Upcoming UA sessions are as follows. The meeting room for the next session has changed. Please find the most recent details, attached and also below.

Upcoming UA Related Sessions @ICANN 76

All times are local (UTC-5) unless specified otherwise





Tue, 14 Mar

15:00 - 16:30

Gran Cancún 1

Promoting Universal Acceptance (UA) through Local Engagement<https://icann76.sched.com/event/1J2M1/promoting-universal-acceptance-through-local-engagement>

Wed, 15 Mar

13:15 - 14:30

Gran Cancún 3-5

Universal Acceptance: New Internationalized Email Self Certification Guide Overview<https://icann76.sched.com/event/1J2M8/universal-acceptance-new-internationalized-email-self-certification-guide-overview>

Wed, 15 Mar


Auditorio (ccNSO)

ccNSO: Universal Acceptance Roadmap<https://icann76.sched.com/event/1J2Mf/ccnso-universal-acceptance-roadmap>

Best regards,
Seda Akbulut

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