[UA-discuss] Question for UASG Chair candidates: what are strategic obstacles blocking UA?

Jim DeLaHunt list+uasg at jdlh.com
Thu Mar 23 01:06:31 UTC 2023

Satish Babu and Anil Kumar Jain:

Thank you for offering yourselves as candidates to be the next chair of 
the UASG. Both of you are clearly committed to Universal Acceptance. 
Both of you have a track record of working diligently to achieve that 
goal. I applaud that.

Before I vote, I would appreciate reading a brief summary of your 
thoughts on this question:

    What are the most important strategic obstacles blocking Universal
    Acceptance currently?

Please copy ua-discuss on your reply. Others might be interested in your 
thoughts. And, it might spark an interesting discussion on the list.

I understand that we have until 2023-03-27 02:59 UTC to vote. I hope 
that I might see your replies before then. I realise that you are 
probably both busy with the preparations for UA Day, so there is not 
time for a long and detailed reply. Something brief is fine.

Thank you, and best regards,
     —Jim DeLaHunt, Vancouver, Canada

     --Jim DeLaHunt,jdlh at jdlh.com      http://blog.jdlh.com/  (http://jdlh.com/)
       multilingual websites consultant, Vancouver, Canada
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