[UA-discuss] ICANN77 Prep Week - UASG Session today (online)

Seda Akbulut seda.akbulut at icann.org
Tue May 30 06:10:59 UTC 2023

Dear all,

You are cordially invited to join the first session of the ICANN77 prep week on Tuesday 30 May 2023 at 16:30 UTC.
In this session the UASG will share the recent updates and the FY24 action plan with the UA community. Your participation and feedback on the action plan are highly appreciated. Please register: https://icann77.sched.com/event/1N5Z7

Here are the participation links:
• Zoom Meeting Link: https://icann.zoom.us/j/99237322950?pwd=NktQdEgwdWNMVlduWXVHYTd3OFMwdz09
• Zoom Meeting ID: 992 3732 2950
• Zoom International Dial-In Numbers: https://icann.zoom.us/u/abXmJL52v4
• Zoom Phone Passcode: 720 647 6464

Kind regards,

From: Seda Akbulut <seda.akbulut at icann.org>
Date: 16 May 2023 Tuesday 16:48
To: "ua-discuss at icann.org" <ua-discuss at icann.org>
Subject: ICANN77 Prep Week - UASG Session (online)

Hello, all!

ICANN77 Prep Week Schedule has been published:

To participate in any of the sessions, please register<https://events.icann.org/icann77/dnuregistration/Site/Register> for ICANN77.

Online Session: Universal Acceptance Community Update
On Tuesday 30 May 16:30 – 17:30 UTC

Seda Akbulut
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