[UA-discuss] ICANN78 UA sessions recording and transcripts

Seda Akbulut seda.akbulut at icann.org
Thu Nov 16 10:43:55 UTC 2023

Dear all,

I trust this email finds you well.

Please kindly note that all Universal Acceptance ICANN78 sessions are recorded. You may find the transcript and recording on the session page.
If you are not able to join the live sessions, we kindly encourage you to watch/listen/read the most recent sessions.

Here is the list of sessions for your convenience.

ICANN78 Main UA sessions organized

Tue, 10 Oct

Universal Acceptance (UA) Community Update

This session provided overall updates from each UASG Working Group and ICANN org.

Tue, 24 Oct

Five-Year Planning for Universal Acceptance (UA) and Governance of UA Steering Group (UASG)

Transcript: TRANSC I78HAM Tue24Oct2023 Five Year Planning ForUA And Gov Of UA Steering Group (UASG) En<https://static.sched.com/hosted_files/icann78/57/TRANSC_I78HAM_Tue24Oct2023_Five-Year%20Planning%20forUA%20and%20Gov%20of%20UA%20Steering%20Group%20%28UASG%29-en.pdf>

This session enabled the community to discuss with the UASG on the following topics:

  1.  5-year strategic plan of UASG (first half of the session)
  2.  UASG governance matters such as implementation of Statement of Interest (SOI)

Wed, 25 Oct

Planning for Universal Acceptance (UA) Day 2024
Transcript: TRANSC I78HAM Wed25Oct2023 Planning For Universal Acceptance (UA) Day 2024 En<https://static.sched.com/hosted_files/icann78/d9/TRANSC_I78HAM_Wed25Oct2023_Planning%20for%20Universal%20Acceptance%20%28UA%29%20Day%202024-en.pdf>

This session discussed the strategy and plans for the organizing the follow-up UA Day in 2024.

Seda Akbulut

UA Program Manager
Global Domains and Strategy
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
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