[UA-discuss] Invitation to Global UA Day keynote event (28 March 2024)

Abdulkarim Oloyede oloyede.aa at unilorin.edu.ng
Mon Apr 1 04:55:32 UTC 2024

Thanks Raymond. This was what I was hoping for after reading the email
which raised the issue. I hope we can get this sorted as a community.


On Mon, Apr 1, 2024, 5:05 AM Raymond Mamattah via UA-discuss <
ua-discuss at icann.org> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I think we (ICANN and UASG) would have to develop a registration platform
> that's UA complaints to really reflect what we stand for. I think the UASG
> leadership should take this up.
> In this case the platform for registration wouldn't be reliant on the
> Global UA Day host. For example, though we have various hosts for ICANN
> meetings, ICANN org provides a general platform for the registration. In
> this regard, I propose that UA Day celebration registration platform should
> NOT be managed by meeting host.
> This is actually done for other meetings outside the 3 regular ICANN
> meetings which I personally have registered for before.
> On the other hand, was it a requirement for the host to be UA complaint
> before hosting the event? If not we cannot chastise them for what wasn't a
> pre-requisite.
> We can only make the UA day better for subsequent celebrations.
> Regards,
> Raymond Mamattah
> Accra, Ghana
> On Mon, Apr 1, 2024, 3:37 AM Abdulkarim Oloyede via UA-discuss <
> ua-discuss at icann.org> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I am writing to express my surprise and concern regarding recent events
>> within our community. It has become evident from these events, as well as
>> the exchanges in our emails, that there is a growing division and a
>> tendency to work at cross purposes.
>> In the past, I have always viewed our community as one that prioritizes
>> addressing issues over engaging in politics. However, recent developments
>> have led me to question this assumption. I firmly believe that such
>> division is not in the best interest of anyone, including the UASG itself.
>> When a community operates in this manner, it becomes difficult to maintain
>> focus, and every action is perceived as an attack, leading to unnecessary
>> counterattacks.
>> Instead of focusing on the message being conveyed, we seem to be fixated
>> on the messenger.  The issue raised in this email thread regarding the
>> platform not being UA ready should have prompted us to come together and
>> find a solution for the future. However, what I observed was a tendency
>> towards counterattacks, which is unproductive and unnecessary rather than
>> addressing the issue.
>> I urge us all to put aside any personal  differences and come together as
>> a united community to address the challenges we face. In all the responses
>> I have seen, there has been a notable absence of a genuine approach to
>> solving the raised issue.
>> If we allow ourselves to be swayed by other considerations, we risk
>> discouraging many individuals from participating actively in our community.
>> Let us not forget the core values that brought us together in the first
>> place.
>> This is my two cents on the matter, and I sincerely hope that we can work
>> together towards finding constructive solutions to our challenges.
>> Best regards,
>> AK
>> On Sun, Mar 31, 2024, 12:27 PM Maria Kolesnikova via UA-discuss <
>> ua-discuss at icann.org> wrote:
>>> Dear Azhar,
>>> Thank you for taking time and efforts to write and share these concerns
>>> on the matter.
>>> Being so enthusiastic on UA adoption person, I’d like to invite you to
>>> join the UASG working groups, become an UA Ambassador or an initiator of a
>>> new Local Initiative, working on real cases of UA adoption on the ground.
>>> We need more active members in our community! It would be also a pleasure
>>> to meet you in person on some global UA Day events or other UA-related
>>> events to get more insights and successful stories on UA implementations
>>> publicly shared by you. As an active member of UASG community, you are also
>>> welcome to prepare your proposal to host the next Global UA Day keystone
>>> event and lead us by your example.
>>> I am really keen on to learn from other UASG members about their taken and proven in practice steps and approaches that can bring us to the UA Readiness goal.
>>> Till then, I find your concerns more distractive ones than inspiring the community members to work further on UA adoption.
>>> As they say: less talk, more action!
>>> Maria
>>> *From:* Azhar Ibrahim <azharibrahim at protonmail.com>
>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 27, 2024 1:33 PM
>>> *To:* Maria Kolesnikova <masha at cctld.ru>; asdj1990 at gmail.com; Seda
>>> Akbulut <seda.akbulut at icann.org>; sarmad.hussain at icann.org
>>> *Cc:* ua-discuss at icann.org; agalila at mcit.gov.eg
>>> *Subject:* Re: [UA-discuss] Invitation to Global UA Day keynote event
>>> (28 March 2024)
>>> Hello Maria,
>>> Firstly, I want to express my gratitude for sending a reminder about the
>>> Universal Acceptance Day 2024 keystone event in Belgrade, Serbia, scheduled
>>> for tomorrow, the 28th of March.
>>> However, I am writing to you with a heavy heart and deep disappointment
>>> regarding the event. *It pains me to see that you the host of the UASG
>>> key stone event, Local Initiative chapter, our esteem LI has not even made
>>> its own keystone event website which is the **https://uaday.rs/?lang=en
>>> <https://uaday.rs/?lang=en>**  Universal Acceptance (UA) ready* and
>>> will just talk, discuss and tell community on UASG, its importance and
>>> becoming UA ready. I find this situation to be truly disheartening when
>>> an organization or event promoting Universal Acceptance (UA) isn't fully UA
>>> compliant themselves.
>>> The fact that the basic registration page of the *Global UA Day event
>>> website https://uaday.rs/?lang=en#registracija
>>> <https://uaday.rs/?lang=en#registracija> does not accept my EAI ARABIC
>>> Email Address* only adds to my frustration. It concerns that an event
>>> meant to celebrate Global UA Day is hosted on a platform and hosted by
>>> someone for UASG who itself fails to embody the very principles which it
>>> aims to promote via hosting Keystone Global UA Day event 2024, what a
>>> message to community it gives about UASG again.
>>> I am compelled to question the decisions made by the Universal
>>> Acceptance Steering Group (UASG) leadership and staff in funding such a
>>> host for the Global UA Day event. This oversight reflects poorly on the
>>> UASG and raises serious concerns about how resources are allocated, and
>>> contracts are vetted.
>>> I find it unacceptable that an event meant to promote universal
>>> acceptance is hosted by an entity that evidently does not prioritize UA
>>> readiness. It begs the question: Is this truly how the UASG celebrates UA
>>> Day? Is this how funds received from ICANN are being utilized and wasted by
>>> UASG? Is this how ICANN Staff vats any proposals and give anyone an
>>> opportunity and money to host such keystone events.
>>> I urge the UASG staff and Chair to reflect on these concerns and take
>>> decisive action to rectify this situation. It is imperative that the UASG
>>> ensures that all its initiatives, including events such as the Global UA
>>> Day, are in alignment with the principles of UA readiness and inclusivity.
>>> Regrettably, given the circumstances, I see no reason to participate in
>>> an event that merely pays lip service to UA without demonstrating a genuine
>>> commitment to its adoption.
>>> Thank you for taking the time to consider my concerns. I sincerely hope
>>> that steps will be taken to address these issues and uphold the integrity
>>> of the Universal Acceptance initiative in future.
>>> Salaam
>>> Azhar
>>> On Wednesday, March 27th, 2024 at 1:48 PM, Maria Kolesnikova via
>>> UA-discuss <ua-discuss at icann.org> wrote:
>>> Dear UASG members,
>>> Kindly remind you to join the *Universal Acceptance Day 2024 keystone
>>> event* in Belgrade, Serbia. It will be held on *28th March*, tomorrow.
>>> The event is organized in hybrid format.  If you are planning to
>>> participate remotely, please register prior to the event:
>>> https://uaday.rs/?lang=en
>>> For remote participants the link for streaming in English will be
>>> available on 28th of March:
>>> https://youtube.com/live/AnkqOvgte5Y?feature=share
>>> Best regards,
>>> Maria Kolesnikova
>>> Chair, CIS-EE Universal Acceptance Local Initiative
>>> *From:* UA-discuss <ua-discuss-bounces at icann.org> *On Behalf Of *Maria
>>> Kolesnikova via UA-discuss
>>> *Sent:* Monday, March 4, 2024 2:09 PM
>>> *To:* ua-discuss at icann.org
>>> *Subject:* [UA-discuss] Invitation to Global UA Day keynote event (28
>>> March 2024)
>>> Dear UASG members,
>>> On behalf of the CIS-EE Universal Acceptance Local Initiative, I would
>>> like to invite you to join the *Universal Acceptance (UA) Day 2024
>>> keystone event* in Serbia.
>>> The Serbian National Internet Domain Registry Foundation (RNIDS), a
>>> member of CIS-EE Universal Acceptance Local Initiative has the honor to be
>>> the host of the second UA Day keystone event. The event is organized by
>>> ICANN in partnership with RNIDS and UASG and will take place on
>>> *28th March* in *Crown Plaza hotel in Belgrade*.
>>> The UA Day 2024 keystone event will gather representatives of
>>> international and local organizations, engineers, university professors,
>>> internet experts as well as software developers from all parts of the world
>>> to debate on the various UA-related topics. During the four panels, along
>>> with a technical workshop that will be organized, successful stories of UA
>>> implementation and UA ready solutions will be delivered, however challenges
>>> of implementing UA will also be discussed. Experiences and insights will be
>>> shared by experts from various countries, UA Ambassadors and UA Local
>>> Initiatives. These sessions will help interested stakeholders to better
>>> understand the benefits of UA and how they can make their systems UA-ready.
>>> A full schedule of the event *is now published* on:
>>> https://uaday.rs/?lang=en
>>> *Registration is open*! Attendees can join the event *onsite* or *participate
>>> online* via link that will be delivered to the registered participants.
>>> Looking forward to meet you on the event!
>>> With kind regards,
>>> Maria Kolesnikova
>>> Chair, CIS-EE Universal Acceptance Local Initiative
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