[UA-discuss] Published UASG048 UA Activities Report

Seda Akbulut seda.akbulut at icann.org
Wed Feb 7 10:07:25 UTC 2024

Dear UASG members,

UASG has published a comprehensive UA Activities Report<https://uasg.tech/download/uasg-048-ua-activities-report/> (UASG 048) and a blog<https://uasg.tech/2024/02/uasg-publishes-universal-acceptance-activities-report/> about its highlights.

UA Activities Report highlights include:

  *   Outreach and engagement activities by ICANN and UASG, particularly by UA Local Initiatives and UA Ambassadors
  *   Technical training materials on programming languages and email configuration
  *   Publications to promote UA adoption
  *   A summary of UA Day 2023 events
  *   The role of the community in contributing to an inclusive and multilingual Internet

Many thanks to everyone involved in pulling together the UA Activities Report and the entire UA community for your hard work over the past year in creating an #Internet4All.

Report: https://uasg.tech/download/uasg-048-ua-activities-report/
Blog: https://uasg.tech/2024/02/uasg-publishes-universal-acceptance-activities-report/

Have a good read. Please share within your network.

Seda Akbulut

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