[UA-discuss] Universal Acceptance in the DNS Study of Africa

Mark Elkins mark at posix.co.za
Wed Jan 31 11:02:12 UTC 2024

Hello UA interested people,

An African look at Universal Acceptance:

I'm a UA Ambassador in South Africa. I'm also the technical side of the 
ICANN 2023 DNS Study of Africa (Africa Domain Name Industry Study) and 
have looked at incorporating UA/IDN into the Study. I think some points 
perhaps need to be stated/shared. I did add one page on Universal 
Acceptance into our recent Webinar...

The recording for the webinar on the Africa Domain Name Industry Study 
is available at


Passcode: L=3Ztagfzk

Note:   More information on the study and the link to the *page for 
comment* is available here 

  The page I am referring to is....

The numbers are not perfect as we did not get full zones from every 
African ccTLD.

Africa also has some IDN Domains.... If you look at the (trial) 
Observatory - you can see...

... again a great lack of information. Sudan did give us all their data 

Second column is the Count of domains (we also used data from global 
collection sites - perhaps IDN domains are not "captured") and the third 
is the DNSSEC Algorithm number (I'm also into DNSSEC).

It would be great to receive proper Zone Files for these IDN Zones - 
please chat to me!

Several African ccTLDs also support IDN domains ... see above. The 
Observatory does show the count of IDN names - e.g.

... thus the Observatory is a way to see actual numbers (growth) in the 
IDN arena of Domain Names in Africa. So if you are interested in seeing 
such information and have any influence or sway over your local ccTLD - 
please ask them to contact me.


Mark James ELKINS  -  Posix Systems - (South) Africa
mje at posix.co.za       Tel: +27.826010496 <tel:+27826010496>
For fast, reliable, low cost Internet in ZA: https://ftth.posix.co.za 

Posix SystemsVCARD for MJ Elkins

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