[UA-discuss] Published: UASG049 EAI Self-Certification Guide

Seda Akbulut seda.akbulut at icann.org
Mon Jun 10 20:04:17 UTC 2024

Dear UASG members,

We are happy to inform you that the EAI Self-Certification Guide version 1.0 (UASG049<https://uasg.tech/download/uasg-049-eai-readiness-self-certification-guide/>) has been published.

Special thanks to the EAI WG chair Mark Svancarek, vice chairs Abdalmonem Galila and Nitin Walia for their leadership and hard work in developing the EAI Self Certification Program with the EAI WG.

I would also like to thank EAI WG veterans Jim DeLaHunt, Harsha Wijayawardhana, John Levine, all other valuable EAI WG contributors, and Arnt Gulbrandsen from ICANN org for their valuable contributions at the EAI WG meetings for the development of this guide and the entire program.

We truly appreciate your excellent co-operation!

You can access to the details from the following links:

  *   The guide has been posted on the Document Hub<https://uasg.tech/document-hub/> and on https://uasg.tech/download/uasg-049-eai-readiness-self-certification-guide/
  *   EAI Program menu has been added to https://uasg.tech/
  *   Program instructions section has been updated to include the link to score generator: https://uasg.tech/eai-certification/

We kindly encourage you to use the guide to evaluate the e-mail software you are currently using or before purchasing a new e-mail software product.

Kind regards,
Seda Akbulut

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