[UA-discuss] ECUADOR_ Free Culture and Software of Ecuador, Diego Acosta Bastidas - UA EVENT ECUADOR 2023 -

DTECH ECUADOR dtechecuador at gmail.com
Sun Mar 3 02:55:24 UTC 2024


Seda Akbulut

Susan Eugenia

Universal Acceptance Staff



Please, what is the bank account in which a possible refund of the
initial payment

sent one day before the date of the Universal Acceptance event of
Ecuador in 2023

could be made?

Fraternal regards

Diego Acosta Bastidas

Free Culture and Software of Ecuador


Without answer

El mié, 7 feb 2024 a las 18:33, DTECH ECUADOR via UA-discuss
(<ua-discuss at icann.org>) escribió:

> Seda Akbulut
> UA Program Manager_Global Domains and Strategy Internet Corporation for
> Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
> Special Attention
> Susan Eugenia:
> UA Day 2024 team
> Harold Arcos:
> Desde 2014 como miembro regional. // Since 2014 as a regional member.
> LACRALO Secretariat 2018
> LACRALO Vicechair 2021
> LACRALO Chair 2023
> My cordial and sincere wish that this day has something special.
> Background: Ecuador 2024 Universal Acceptance Event not approved.
> Based on the background, please cordially request the following:
> 1.- Your approval to connect, online and with translation, with the
> Bolívar State University of Ecuador to one of the approved events. The
> event must have a technical scope because it will be broadcast and worked
> on in a Computer Science faculty
> https://www.ueb.edu.ec/index.php/oferta-academica/grado/fcagei/software
> 2.- Approve that the initial payment of $500 that was transferred
> previously, be used for an outreach event in Ecuador organized jointly with
> Harold Arcos, in the next and immediate call that you make. We want to hold
> an event with that money and we have every intention of solving this matter
> by virtue of our status as volunteers.
> I thank you for the special attention and commitment that Ecuador has to
> the dissemination of ICANN's Universal Acceptance.
> Fraternal greeting
> Diego Acosta Bastidas, Msc.
> Cutura Libre y Software Libre del Ecuador
> *https://community.icann.org/display/LACRALO/Cultura+Libre+y+Software+Libre+del+Ecuador
> <https://community.icann.org/display/LACRALO/Cultura+Libre+y+Software+Libre+del+Ecuador>*
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> De: Seda Akbulut via UA-discuss <ua-discuss at icann.org>
> Date: mar., 6 de febrero de 2024 04:23
> Subject: [UA-discuss] Published the Shortlisted UA Day Events
> To: ua-discuss at icann.org <ua-discuss at icann.org>
> Dear UASG members,
> UASG has published the shortlisted events for the second annual Universal
> Acceptance (UA) Day, which will be held from March through the end of May
> and will feature 56 events spanning more than 52 countries around the
> world. To see the details of the 56 events, please visit
> https://universalacceptance.day/.
> Also, a new blog has been published to announce the 56 UA Day events:
> https://uasg.tech/2024/02/uasg-announces-shortlisted-events-for-ua-day-2024/.
> The UASG invites the entire global UA community to take part in these
> events and help achieve a more multilingual and digitally inclusive global
> Internet
> Feel free to share in your network.
> Regards,
> Seda Akbulut
> _______________________________________________
> UA-discuss mailing list
> UA-discuss at icann.org
> https://mm.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/ua-discuss
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> By submitting your personal data, you consent to the processing of your
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> disabling delivery altogether (e.g., for a vacation), and so on.
> *Antecedent*
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> De: *Susan Eugenia* <susan.eugenia at icann.org>
> Date: mar, 30 ene 2024 a las 4:25
> Subject: Update on Your Event Proposal for UA Day 2024
> To: dtechecuador at gmail.com <dtechecuador at gmail.com>
> Cc: harold.arcos at gmail.com <harold.arcos at gmail.com>
> *Dear* *Diego Acosta Bastidas,*
>  Thank you for your support of Universal Acceptance. We sincerely
> appreciate the effort and enthusiasm you put into submitting a proposal to
> host a UA Day event.
>  We received a large number of good event proposals but due to
> limitations on the number of proposals we can support, we regret to inform
> you that we are unable to support your proposed Universal Acceptance:
> Awareness sessions, technical training, analysis of academic curricula.
> proposed for Ecuador. We still encourage you to explore the possibility of
> hosting the UA Day event without ICANN support this year and to reapply for
> support of a UA Day event next year.
> We also recommend you consider participating and collaborating with other
> events taking place in your region for UA Day 2024 (these will be published
> at *https://UniversalAcceptance. <https://universalacceptance.day/>*.
> We truly value your commitment to promoting universal acceptance of domain
> names and email addresses, and we look forward to the possibility of
> collaborating with you in the future.
> If you have any inquiries, please feel free to reach out to me.
> Best regards,
> *Susan Eugenia*
> On behalf of UA Day 2024 team
> _______________________________________________
> UA-discuss mailing list
> UA-discuss at icann.org
> https://mm.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/ua-discuss
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> By submitting your personal data, you consent to the processing of your
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> with the ICANN Privacy Policy (https://www.icann.org/privacy/policy) and
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> visit the Mailman link above to change your membership status or
> configuration, including unsubscribing, setting digest-style delivery or
> disabling delivery altogether (e.g., for a vacation), and so on.


*Diego Acosta Bastidas, msc.*
*Abogados Legaltech negocios y proyectos tecnológicos*

Diego Acosta Bastidas

Dtech Ecuador


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