[UA-discuss] Invitation to Global UA Day keynote event (28 March 2024)

Maria Kolesnikova masha at cctld.ru
Sun Mar 31 11:27:25 UTC 2024

Dear Azhar,


Thank you for taking time and efforts to write and share these concerns on the matter. 


Being so enthusiastic on UA adoption person, I’d like to invite you to join the UASG working groups, become an UA Ambassador or an initiator of a new Local Initiative, working on real cases of UA adoption on the ground. We need more active members in our community! It would be also a pleasure to meet you in person on some global UA Day events or other UA-related events to get more insights and successful stories on UA implementations publicly shared by you. As an active member of UASG community, you are also welcome to prepare your proposal to host the next Global UA Day keystone event and lead us by your example. 

I am really keen on to learn from other UASG members about their taken and proven in practice steps and approaches that can bring us to the UA Readiness goal. 
Till then, I find your concerns more distractive ones than inspiring the community members to work further on UA adoption. 


As they say: less talk, more action!






From: Azhar Ibrahim <azharibrahim at protonmail.com> 
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2024 1:33 PM
To: Maria Kolesnikova <masha at cctld.ru>; asdj1990 at gmail.com; Seda Akbulut <seda.akbulut at icann.org>; sarmad.hussain at icann.org
Cc: ua-discuss at icann.org; agalila at mcit.gov.eg
Subject: Re: [UA-discuss] Invitation to Global UA Day keynote event (28 March 2024)


Hello Maria, 

Firstly, I want to express my gratitude for sending a reminder about the Universal Acceptance Day 2024 keystone event in Belgrade, Serbia, scheduled for tomorrow, the 28th of March. 

However, I am writing to you with a heavy heart and deep disappointment regarding the event. It pains me to see that you the host of the UASG key stone event, Local Initiative chapter, our esteem LI has not even made its own keystone event website which is the  <https://uaday.rs/?lang=en> https://uaday.rs/?lang=en  Universal Acceptance (UA) ready and will just talk, discuss and tell community on UASG, its importance and becoming UA ready. I find this situation to be truly disheartening when an organization or event promoting Universal Acceptance (UA) isn't fully UA compliant themselves.  

The fact that the basic registration page of the Global UA Day event website https://uaday.rs/?lang=en#registracija does not accept my EAI ARABIC Email Address only adds to my frustration. It concerns that an event meant to celebrate Global UA Day is hosted on a platform and hosted by someone for UASG who itself fails to embody the very principles which it aims to promote via hosting Keystone Global UA Day event 2024, what a message to community it gives about UASG again. 

I am compelled to question the decisions made by the Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG) leadership and staff in funding such a host for the Global UA Day event. This oversight reflects poorly on the UASG and raises serious concerns about how resources are allocated, and contracts are vetted. 

I find it unacceptable that an event meant to promote universal acceptance is hosted by an entity that evidently does not prioritize UA readiness. It begs the question: Is this truly how the UASG celebrates UA Day? Is this how funds received from ICANN are being utilized and wasted by UASG? Is this how ICANN Staff vats any proposals and give anyone an opportunity and money to host such keystone events. 

I urge the UASG staff and Chair to reflect on these concerns and take decisive action to rectify this situation. It is imperative that the UASG ensures that all its initiatives, including events such as the Global UA Day, are in alignment with the principles of UA readiness and inclusivity. 

Regrettably, given the circumstances, I see no reason to participate in an event that merely pays lip service to UA without demonstrating a genuine commitment to its adoption. 

Thank you for taking the time to consider my concerns. I sincerely hope that steps will be taken to address these issues and uphold the integrity of the Universal Acceptance initiative in future. 




On Wednesday, March 27th, 2024 at 1:48 PM, Maria Kolesnikova via UA-discuss < <mailto:ua-discuss at icann.org> ua-discuss at icann.org> wrote:

Dear UASG members,


Kindly remind you to join the Universal Acceptance Day 2024 keystone event in Belgrade, Serbia. It will be held on 28th March, tomorrow.


The event is organized in hybrid format.  If you are planning to participate remotely, please register prior to the event: https://uaday.rs/?lang=en


For remote participants the link for streaming in English will be available on 28th of March: https://youtube.com/live/AnkqOvgte5Y?feature=share



Best regards,


Maria Kolesnikova 

Chair, CIS-EE Universal Acceptance Local Initiative



From: UA-discuss < <mailto:ua-discuss-bounces at icann.org> ua-discuss-bounces at icann.org> On Behalf Of Maria Kolesnikova via UA-discuss
Sent: Monday, March 4, 2024 2:09 PM
To:  <mailto:ua-discuss at icann.org> ua-discuss at icann.org
Subject: [UA-discuss] Invitation to Global UA Day keynote event (28 March 2024)


Dear UASG members,


On behalf of the CIS-EE Universal Acceptance Local Initiative, I would like to invite you to join the Universal Acceptance (UA) Day 2024 keystone event in Serbia. 


The Serbian National Internet Domain Registry Foundation (RNIDS), a member of CIS-EE Universal Acceptance Local Initiative has the honor to be the host of the second UA Day keystone event. The event is organized by ICANN in partnership with RNIDS and UASG and will take place on 28th March in Crown Plaza hotel in Belgrade. 


The UA Day 2024 keystone event will gather representatives of international and local organizations, engineers, university professors, internet experts as well as software developers from all parts of the world to debate on the various UA-related topics. During the four panels, along with a technical workshop that will be organized, successful stories of UA implementation and UA ready solutions will be delivered, however challenges of implementing UA will also be discussed. Experiences and insights will be shared by experts from various countries, UA Ambassadors and UA Local Initiatives. These sessions will help interested stakeholders to better understand the benefits of UA and how they can make their systems UA-ready.


A full schedule of the event is now published on: https://uaday.rs/?lang=en


Registration is open! Attendees can join the event onsite or participate online via link that will be delivered to the registered participants.



Looking forward to meet you on the event!


With kind regards,


Maria Kolesnikova 

Chair, CIS-EE Universal Acceptance Local Initiative





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