[UA-EAI] Call for Proposals for EAI Work Item: Make it easier to experiment with self-hosted working EAI systems

Seda Akbulut seda.akbulut at icann.org
Fri Jan 26 12:06:07 UTC 2024

Dear UASG members,

UASG EAI Working Group has developed a new Statement of Work (SOW), that is now open for proposals:

  *   SOW on “Make it easier to experiment with self-hosted working EAI systems”
The SOW document has been posted on UASG wiki page to call for proposals: https://community.icann.org/display/TUA/UA+Statements+of+Work.

We are looking for interested and competent parties to take up this work. If you are interested in this work, feel free to contact us at UAProgram at icann.org<mailto:UAProgram at icann.org>  by 11 February 2024. Further details are provided in the SOW and at the wiki page. (also attached for your convenience)
Kindly help circulate the call for proposals to relevant parties.
With thanks and regards,
Seda Akbulut
Universal Acceptance (UA) Program Manager
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

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Desc: SOW - EAI Work Item E2.1 - V3 - Make it easier to experiment with self-hosted working EAI systems .docx.pdf
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