[UA-Measurement] Notes from today's call

Don Hollander don.hollander at icann.org
Thu May 16 02:43:13 UTC 2019

I note that we didn't talk about getting the website readiness indicator structure for an Automated Turk(?) process.   I thought John and Mark WD were going to look at that.


UASG Measurement Coordination Group

  1.  Attending:
     *   John Levine, Jay Daley, Mark Svancarek, Edmon Chung, Dennis Tanaka, Sarmad Hussein, Don Hollander
     *   Apologies: Jonathan Zuck
  2.  Review of Charter
     *   Dennis provided a revised Charter based on input from Kobe meeting
     *   Group agreed with changes proposed
     *   ACTION: The group will nominate a Chair once a year to the UASG Chair who will make the appointment at the next meeting.
     *   The group agreed that this decision will be considered during the next call
     *   The Group will report to the UASG Community through publication of Notes from meetings and an annual review.   Where significant events occur, the group will provide ad hoc advise to the UASG community
     *   ACTION: Dennis to finish the editing and provide the updated Charter to Don for publication.
     *   Don to reach out to the ICANN GSE team for a participant once the charter's established.
  3.  Annual Report Structure
     *   The group agreed that the background about Universal Acceptance should be referenced at the beginning but covered in detail after the measurement results.
     *   Don noted that the contents for the report were subject to getting contracts signed.
  4.  Regular Expressions
     *   The WhatWG (and the W3C) will advance a case if there's a participant who's willing to champion the cause.
     *   The Regular Expressions for email addresses are defined in the WhatWG and are correct for ASCII addresses, but not from EAI addresses.
     *   John had logged a bug report and the response was it would be addressed if anyone within the WhatWG had an interest.  So far there's been none.
     *   Don has twice written to Microsoft and Apple without success.   Still worth pursuing.
  5.  Programming Language Libraries
     *   It was felt that it would be useful to have one or more people actively engaging in the GitHub and StackOverflow communities to advocate for Universal Acceptance.
     *   ACTION: Mark to see if he can find someone in Microsoft who could take this role on in GitHub.
     *   Action: Don to draft a 'job description' for one or more volunteers to take on.
  6.  Next Call: 2019-06-20 Noon (New Zealand Time - UTC 0:00)

Don Hollander
Secretary General - UASG
Skype: Don_Hollander

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