[UA-Measurement] Background on "Characterize how much Android platform limits acceptance of IDNs in web browsing" (FY23 M4)

Jim DeLaHunt list+uasg at jdlh.com
Thu Jul 14 07:45:52 UTC 2022

UA Measurement WG colleagues:

The agenda for our 14 July 2022 meeting includes a topic, "Characterize 
how much Android platform limits acceptance of IDNs in web browsing". 
This is FY23 goal M4. Here is some background on that topic. There are 
links which people can follow to find out more.


M4 is inspired by findings documented in UASG 037 /UA-Readiness of Some 
Programming Language Libraries and Frameworks/[1]. They report that the 
developer of a popular Android URL-handling library, *okHttp*, refused 
to fix a problem with handling IDNs, in part because better UA would 
make them behave differently than the leading Android browser, Chrome. 
Chrome follows the outdated IDNA2003 spec, which causes problems with 
some IDNs.

M4 reads, "Characterise how much Android platform limits acceptance of 
IDNs in web browsing, because they stay compatible with the leader, 
Chrome on Android, which uses an outdated IDN spec (IDNA2003)".

M4 studies the Android platform, its leading browser, Chrome, and 
leading Android libraries and frameworks. It does not study browsers in 
general. It should answer the questions: how many Android app projects 
will make decisions like okHttp, and reject UA because it conflicts with 
Chrome on Android? Of the obstacles to UA on Android, how significant is 
the obstacle of developers rejecting UA in favour of Chrome?  Is it one 
of the few greatest obstacles, or less significant?  Regarding Chrome 
and the other builtin Android platform services, how many other 
significant UA obstacles exist due to choices by the Android project? 
How many kinds of IDNs are obstructed? Additionally, what does it take 
to change the behaviour of Chrome and the Android platform to handle 
IDNs in a way that provides the best Universal Acceptance?  How 
difficult will it be to persuade the Android platform to make this 
change? What kind of evidence do we need to provide? And, when we 
succeed, what disruption will that change cause across the Android 

I will link to some of the evidence in UASG037, and pointed to from 

UAS037, section *Android - Kotlin - okHttp (IDNA2008)*, p. 17:

    okHttp is a very popular HTTP client in the Java and Android
    environments. However, it is only compatible with IDNA2003 as it
    relies on java.net.IDN. A bug report (okhttp #1615, [2]) was closed
    in 2020 showing they are not willing to support IDNA2008.…

    We created another bug report for IDNA2008 (okhttp #6910, [3]),
    providing a more appropriate way to solve the issue than the old
    one. The maintainer was responsive and willing to fix it, at least
    for Android that provides packages for IDNA directly in the SDK, but
    the fix broke some of their tests and the fact that IDNA2008 is not
    implemented[4] in the most used web browser (Chrome) made them stop
    implementing that support.

    It is therefore highly recommended to make Google implement IDNA2008
    instead of IDNA2003 in their products if we want to encourage the
    community to follow.

In okhttp #1615, *Consider upgrading HttpUrl to IDNA 2008* [2], the 
okhttp developer rejects the request which would promote UA, saying, 
"IDN hasn't taken over, we don't see enough usage to justify owning 
custom implementation, so closing. Following the JVM and Android 
platform. Won't fix." (2020-03-09).

In okhttp #6910, *Add support for IDNA 2008 (RFC 5891)* [3], the okhttp 
developer rejects the fix which would promote UA, asking, "How common 
are these domains? What are some examples that are currently broken?", 
and saying, "Going to close this out as the strictness of IDNA 2008 is 
likely to cause more visible issues than this solves, particularly as 
this isn't uniformly supported or implemented by clients and servers." 

The Android platform's issue tracker has an issue #206015971, *Add 
support for IDNA 2008 (RFC 5891)* [5]. I believe this was submitted by 
the UASG vendor who wrote UASG037. The Google response is, "We’ve shared 
this with our product and engineering teams and will continue to provide 
updates as more information becomes available." (2021-11-14). There is 
no further response. The issue is neither accepted nor rejected.

Another okhttp issue, #7008, *Upgrade from IDN2003 to UTS #46 
Non-transitional* [6], appears to be another look at the change. The 
writer's comment about IDNA2008 is, "a spec that never gained widespread 
adoption". I am concerned that this dismissive attitude is bad news for 
our attempts to persuade developers to support.

This is a good point to look at the Unicode Technical Standard #46, 
*Unicode IDNA Compatibility Processing* [7]. I would summarise it as the 
Unicode community's good-faith effort to help developers migrate from 
IDNA2003 to INDA2008, and solve some technical problems caused by the 

In recent meetings, the Google paper *Internationalized Domain Names 
(IDN) in Google Chrome* [8] has come up. This strikes me as an 
interesting and worthwhile strategy about confusable IDNs, fraud, and 
protecting Chrome users. However, it does not seem to me to directly 
address the choice between staying with IDNA 2003 or moving to IDNA 
2008. Thus it seems to me that it is a separate issue to M4.

[2] <https://github.com/square/okhttp/issues/1615>
[3] <https://github.com/square/okhttp/issues/6910>
[5] <https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/206015971?pli=1>
[6] <https://github.com/square/okhttp/issues/7008>
[7] <http://unicode.org/reports/tr46/>
[8] <https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/main/docs/idn.md>

M4 is valuable because it is an opportunity to engage with a specific, 
concrete example of the general supply-demand paradox which obstructs 
Universal Acceptance adoption. I believe these developers are good 
candidates to support universal acceptance, but they have technical and 
business objections. We have not yet succeeded in making good responses 
to those objections. I think we should. M4 gives us that opportunity.

I think it would be valuable to have an expert in UTS 46 and IDNA 2008 
look at the technical issues, and provide advice on how solve the issues 
and improve universal acceptance.


Best regards,

.   --Jim DeLaHunt,jdlh at jdlh.com      http://blog.jdlh.com/  (http://jdlh.com/)
       multilingual websites consultant

       2201-1000 Beach Ave, Vancouver BC V6E 4M2, Canada
          Canada mobile +1-604-376-8953
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