[UA-Tech] [Ext] Re: [UA-EAI] A request concerning entering domain names

Arnt Gulbrandsen arnt.gulbrandsen at icann.org
Sat Oct 7 12:29:41 UTC 2023


in IDNA2008 this was moved to a preprocessing stage, described in 5895 IIRC.


> On 6 Oct 2023, at 21:04, John Levine <john.levine at standcore.com> wrote:
> It appears that Arnt Gulbrandsen via UA-Tech <arnt.gulbrandsen at icann.org> said:
>> -=-=-=-=-=-
>> -=-=-=-=-=-
>> Hi,
>> I learn 😉 I should have told you what I was thinking about: Safari, Chrome and Firefox. Stupid of me. I sent off the original mail in
>> the few minutes before a meeting and didn’t have time to think clearly about what I wanted to say. Sorry.
>> All three parse URLs entered by the user, all three are open source, I can submit changes to all three, and I wanted to learn more about
>> the appropriate changes.
> For dots IDNA2003 said:
>   1) Whenever dots are used as label separators, the following
>      characters MUST be recognized as dots: U+002E (full stop), U+3002
>      (ideographic full stop), U+FF0E (fullwidth full stop), U+FF61
>      (halfwidth ideographic full stop).
> I believe the motivation came from Japanese users who had the concerns
> you mention about keyboards and dot-like things. In IDNA2008 that went
> way, dots are dots. Presumably the authors of IDNA2008 remember what
> changed.
> R's,
> John

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