[vip] Educational session on existing variant practices

Patrik Fältström patrik at frobbit.se
Tue Jul 26 07:02:59 UTC 2011

On 26 jul 2011, at 08.55, Patrik Fältström wrote:

> On 25 jul 2011, at 11.32, Andrzej Bartosiewicz wrote:
>> I have no problmem with "æ" and "ae"
> I do, they are two different things if you are a Swedish speaking.
> "æ" and "ä" on the other hand should be treated as the same.
> Which is something completely different than "lookalike" of course.
> Just to show the confusion.

Let me add an explanation to the above.

In English the "æ" is a ligature, and in some more languages. It is a separate letter and *not* a ligature in the Scandinavian languages that uses it.

So whether something is a ligature, and because of that what is "the same" is context dependent.


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