[Ws2-jurisdiction] Milton Mueller on the transition going through

Perez Galindo, Rafael RPEREZGA at minetur.es
Tue Oct 4 08:44:44 UTC 2016

Dear all

Following up on the email below, I would like to draw your attention to the attached book, "The public core of the Internet", by The Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy.

I believe it is a very well thought-out work that contains ideas worth taking on board, such as: "To establish and disseminate an international norm stipulating that the Internet's public core - its main protocols and infrastructure- should be considered a neutral zone, safeguarded against unwarranted intervention by governments."

In the hope that it will be a good input to our discussion,

Best regards


De: ws2-jurisdiction-bounces at icann.org [mailto:ws2-jurisdiction-bounces at icann.org] En nombre de Jorge.Cancio at bakom.admin.ch
Enviado el: martes, 04 de octubre de 2016 8:02
Para: ws2-jurisdiction at icann.org
Asunto: [Ws2-jurisdiction] Milton Mueller on the transition going through

Dear all

I thought this piece from Milton was worth sharing: http://www.internetgovernance.org/2016/09/28/its-over-yestoiana/

What he mentions as "exhibit A" is possibly a possibility that may have not lapsed entirely with the transition and could pop-up in different jurisdictions. Perhaps something worth considering...



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