[Ws2-transparency] Notes, recordings and transcript for WS2 Transparency Subgroup Meeting #7 | 06 January 2017

MSSI Secretariat mssi-secretariat at icann.org
Fri Jan 6 21:29:33 UTC 2017

Hello all,

The notes, recordings and transcripts for CCWG Accountability WS2_ CCWG Transparency Subgroup, Meeting #7 -  06 January 2017 will be available here:   https://community.icann.org/x/F6vDAw

A copy of the notes from the meeting are below.

Kind Regards,
Yvette Guigneaux
Multi-Stakeholder & Strategic Initiative Asst.
Email:  yvette.guigneaux at icann.org<mailto:yvette.guigneaux at icann.org>
Cell:  +1-310-460-8432
Skype:  yvette.guigneaux.icann

12025 Waterfront Drive, Suite 300
Playa Vista, CA 90094
Notes (including relevant parts of chat):
1. Roll Call
Roll call taken from the AC room.
2. Welcome - Opening Remarks
*  Sending clean version to the group now so everyone has a clean version to look at.
*  Summary & introduction were trimmed down
*  Footnote was added to the background section
*  Clarification to the kind of requesters
*  Timeline has been shifted
*  Incomplete sentences on page 10 were completed
*  Taking suggestions/comments on this newest draft
3. Discussion of ICANN CCWG - Transparency Report WS2 - DRAFT
David McAuley expressed several concerns (see transcripts for details)
Edits made by Michael on the fly per discussion
Discussed footnote 3 on human rights:
*  Alan Greenberg: if there are overlaps with the Human Rights group, we should resolve with that subgroup.
*  David: I think we should leave it to the Human Rights group, and if there are topics overlapping, wait until the HR group is done to discuss with them.
*  Philip Corwin: Agree with Alan that, irrespective of human rights status of information disclosure, what we must determine is the degree of required disclosure and the process relating thereto to further the goal of tranparency in service to ICANN accountability.
*  Footnote revised by Michael.
About Treating ICANN as a governance:
*  Robin Gross: ICANN engages in global governance, no matter what it is called, so I think it is important to recognize the higher standard of transparency required of governments and adopt that standard.
*  David McAuley (RySG): I am happy to wait for ICANN's reply in this respect
Discussed Public interest override:
*  Michael: That is an existing provision, not something new
*  David: I was not aware of that, where is it?
*  Michael reads existing provision
*  Alan Greenberg: how do we define what is global public interest? the AoI provide a definition, and the bylaws refer to public interest too. Public interest cannot always be determined by a bottom-up process.
*  Michael: suggests leaving this out
*  Chris Wilson: this is a pre-existing notion, I would agree to leave it out.
*  Alan: we just need to confirm we don't have a gaping hole in front of us
*  Adding a footnote to ensure there is no confusion.
Suggestion to bring this for 1st reading to CCWG plenary.
*  Will include note that subgroup is waiting to hear back from ICANN on the topic raised in todya's call.
*  Michael will send revised draft prior to next CCWG plenary, and will present it for 1st reading to the CCWK plenary on Jan 11.

4. AOB

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