[CCWG-ACCT] Fwd: [bylaws-coord] Corrected Bylaws document - 2 April 2016 version, as corrected on 7 April 2016

Kavouss Arasteh kavouss.arasteh at gmail.com
Sat Apr 9 14:43:16 UTC 2016

Dear All,
I have made some analysis of Annex D to the draft Bylaws and found a
serious misunderstanding on. how EC powers should be translated / converted
  into legal
terms/provision for inclusion in the Bylaws
My comments are attached
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kavouss Arasteh <kavouss.arasteh at gmail.com>
Date: 2016-04-08 8:32 GMT+02:00
Subject: Re: [bylaws-coord] Corrected Bylaws document - 2 April 2016
version, as corrected on 7 April 2016
To: Samantha Eisner <Samantha.Eisner at icann.org>, Holly Gregory <
holly.gregory at sidley.com>, "Rosemary E. Fei" <rfei at adlercolvin.com>,
Mathieu Weill <Mathieu.Weill at afnic.fr>, Thomas Rickert <thomas at rickert.net>,
León Felipe Sánchez Ambía <leonfelipe at sanchez.mx>, "<
Thomas.Schneider at bakom.admin.ch>" <Thomas.Schneider at bakom.admin.ch>, Olga
Cavalli <olgacavalli at gmail.com>, Pedro Ivo Ferraz da Silva <
pedro.ivo at itamaraty.gov.br>, "<Jorge.Cancio at bakom.admin.ch>" <
Jorge.Cancio at bakom.admin.ch>, "<Sabine.Meyer at bmwi.bund.de>" <
Sabine.Meyer at bmwi.bund.de>, "<gac-leadership at icann.org>" <
gac-leadership at icann.org>
Cc: "bylaws-coord at icann.org" <bylaws-coord at icann.org>, ICANN-Adler <
ICANN at adlercolvin.com>, Sidley ICANN CCWG <sidleyicannccwg at sidley.com>

Dear Samantha
Pls kindly convey my message sent last night on how reflect the Carve- Out
in the Bylaws in exact quotation of the texts as contained in Recs. 1&2 by
creating to distinct and specific  provision in that regard without going
through a very heavy drafting which may intentionally it unintentionally
expand the very limited  occurrence of that circumstances.
I have serious concerns and strong objections to the existing draft in that

Sent from my iPhone

On 7 Apr 2016, at 23:02, Samantha Eisner via bylaws-coord <
bylaws-coord at icann.org> wrote:

Dear Bylaws Coordination Group -

In our reviews of the document since circulation on Sunday, the attorneys
have identified a set of items that were unintentionally omitted from the
document as it was being prepared for distribution, as well as a few typos
and minor corrections that needed to be addressed based upon the language
agreed over the weekend.

These updates do not address the items that have been under discussion in
this group, the CWG or the CCWG.  We are all continuing to follow those
discussions so that changes can be incorporated into a new version.

The clean up items that are reflected in the attached track changes version

a)    4.2(f) - inserted omitted provision

b)    4.3(v) - typo

c)    4.3(w) - typo

d)    4.3(d) - busted section reference (no longer a provision for
Community IRP  in Bylaws; assuming it should just be reference to Community
IRP in Annex D)

e)    4.3(e) - busted section reference (no longer a provision for
Community IRP  in Bylaws; assuming it should just be reference to Community
IRP in Annex D)

f)     6.1(c) - typo

g)    7.24 - inserted omitted provision

h)    7.25 - inserted omitted provision

i)      8.1 - typo

j)      9.2(b) - typo  11.3(f) - typo

k)    16.3 - inserted omitted provision

l)      18.1 - updated section reference

m)  18.9(a) words missing at the end "shall be the action of the IFRT."

n)    19.1(c)(i) first sentence should be "An SCWG Creation Approval shall
become effective..."

o)    19.1(c)(ii) first sentence should be "An SCWG Creation Approval that
has been rejected..."

p)    19.7(a) words missing at the end "shall be the action of the SCWG."

q)    25.2 – Fixed heading

r)     27.2(c)(iii) - inserted omitted provision

s)     Annex D, Section 1.4(b)(ii) – fixed threshold reference from “two or
more” to “*three* or more”

t)     Annex E, Section 1(e) - typo


Sam Eisner


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