Malcolm Hutty malcolm at linx.net
Tue Apr 19 08:03:00 UTC 2016

On 19/04/2016 07:08, Kavouss Arasteh wrote:
> Dear Andrew
> Dear steve
> Once again I am grateful for your very detailed reply but I am still remained unconvinced that there is no coordinated actions on delegation of Name.
> I an surprised that people push to maintain such disintegrated spread activities
> Regards
> Kavouss

Dear Kavouss,

I am not surprised. I believe the distributed nature of the DNS, which 
Andrew has explained brilliantly, is widely recognised as both 
fundamental to its design and as essential to its success as one of the 
Internet's main addressing systems [*].

Moreover, this group was charged with proposing improvements to ICANN's 
accountability to the community it serves according to its mission and 
values, not with proposing means to increase the accountability of DNS 
delegation holders to ICANN.

I would therefore have regarded any proposal to change DNS into a more 
centralised design as beyond the mandate of this group, even if brought 
forward at the designated time. At this stage in proceedings, when we 
are simply ensuring that the draft bylaws match the proposals we have 
made and that Chartering Organisations have approved, it would surely be 
out of order to introduce any such novelty.

Kind Regards,


[*] To our technical colleagues: I call the DNS one of the Internet's 
addressing systems with studied deliberation, acknowledging the likely 
challenges (I have understood Andrew's explanation) and looking forward 
to defending my terminology if needed. But perhaps such a discussion, if 
you wish to have it, would be better conducted off list, or maybe in a 
bar in Helsinki. Best wishes, M.

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