[CCWG-ACCT] a post WS2 world (and what it might look like)

Niels ten Oever lists at nielstenoever.net
Thu Apr 12 10:39:16 UTC 2018

Hi all,

I might be slightly confused, but according to the current trajectory we
will be done with WS2 around June, as planned. But there are no concrete
plans for putting the recommendations and outcomes of our report into
place. This worries me, because when they become part of the bylaws,
they should be implemented, and I think we should have a plan for that
because two months go over very quickly.

Does this mean we need to charter a new CCWG ? Do we need committees or
working groups for every recommendation ? Or will this be lead or
coordinated by ICANN the organization (and how does that integrate with
recommendations aimed at the community) ?

Every attempt to resolve my confusion would be greatly appreciated!



Niels ten Oever

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