[CCWG-ACCT] a post WS2 world (and what it might look like)

Jordan Carter jordan at internetnz.net.nz
Thu Apr 12 21:23:06 UTC 2018

hi Neils, all

I stand to be corrected, but the agreement of the CCWG at the meeting in
Puerto Rico was that there would be an implementation oversight team
comprised of the co-chairs and rapporteurs for WS2 available to help with
implementation. The CCWG leadership also met with a subset of the Board in
Puerto Rico to discuss this approach, and that availability was welcomed.

Two more points. My hope is that ICANN will prepare an implementation plan
for WS2, and then consult with the community on it, to make sure the
priorities and pace etc are right. That's what we have suggested.  We all
know, and have acknowledged, that the WS2 programme won't be implemented in
one hit, the same way as WS1 was, due to the absence of the deadline and
the nature of the recommendations.

Finally, I'd note that we have striven hard to make sure that WS2
recommendations generally don't require bylaws changes. A lot of them are
process changes within the organisation. So there is not likely to be a
huge package of bylaws changes drafted after the WS2 report (though I
suppose that bylaws changes if required will be outlined in any
implementation plan).

Jordan (speaking as a participant, not as a Co-Chair)

On 12 April 2018 at 22:39, Niels ten Oever <lists at nielstenoever.net> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I might be slightly confused, but according to the current trajectory we
> will be done with WS2 around June, as planned. But there are no concrete
> plans for putting the recommendations and outcomes of our report into
> place. This worries me, because when they become part of the bylaws,
> they should be implemented, and I think we should have a plan for that
> because two months go over very quickly.
> Does this mean we need to charter a new CCWG ? Do we need committees or
> working groups for every recommendation ? Or will this be lead or
> coordinated by ICANN the organization (and how does that integrate with
> recommendations aimed at the community) ?
> Every attempt to resolve my confusion would be greatly appreciated!
> Best,
> Niels
> --
> Niels ten Oever
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*Jordan Carter*

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