[At-review] Publication of recording of the RT meetings

Peter Dengate Thrush peter.dengatethrush at icann.org
Tue Apr 27 22:56:17 UTC 2010

On 27/04/2010, at 9:01 PM, Marco Lorenzoni wrote:


This is to confirm that staff is exploring the possibility to stream  
the f2f meeting in MdR, following the Review Team’s decision during  
yesterday’s call.
> A live broadcasting is unlikely due to technical and contractual  
> reasons, but the recordings of open sessions can be organized for  
> publication. We will keep you posted on the progresses of these  
> analyses.
Personally, I live live streaming is not needed. Happy if we can do  
that but I think posting a link to an mp3 recording will satisfy the  
diligent few who will listen to the whole of the public meeting in  
> Also: as you know there is a specific section of the ICANN website  
> devoted to the Affirmation reviews (http://www.icann.org/en/reviews/ 
> affirmation/).
> Please let us know the level of visibility you would like to give  
> to your meetings.
> Please inform us:
> ·         If you wish to publish the agendas of all your meetings  
> (including the agendas of your two previous phone conferences)

I think we should aim to try and follow a modified version of the   
ICANN board's schedule, and publish meeting agendas 7 days in advance  
of meetings. This is a good discipline for all.

> ·         If you wish to publish recordings of all your meetings  
> (including the recordings of your two previous phone conferences)
I think these should be published - given that we accept that there  
will be parts of the meeting that are not recorded.
> ·         If you wish to publish the preliminary reports of all  
> your meetings (including the reports of your two previous phone  
> conferences)
Yes, I think a preliminary report - a line or two reporting on  
decisions taken at the meeting should be published within 24 hours of  
the meeting closing. That is, a no more than 1 page of highlights.  
This is not minutes.

> ·         If you wish to publish the detailed minutes of all your  
> meetings (including the minutes of your two previous phone  
> conferences)
Yes- within 3-5 days.
Given that we have recordings, I suggest minutes can be quite terse.
I suggest little more than the agreements reached, topics discussed,  
resolutions made, with one or two lines of context as required - not  
a near-transcript of the meeting.

A further issue occurs to me ; what the constraints are, if any, on  
team members reporting during or just after the meeting closes?

Members are representatives of their communities, and may feel  
obliged to report in different ways.
The board is working with tweets; the CEO tweets during and after  
board meetings, and we had, and will soon restore, an ICANN tweet.

I am in favour of full and prompt disclosure  - are there any  
countervailing issues?

> Thank you,
> Best regards
> Marco Lorenzoni
> ---------------------
> Director, Organizational Review
> marco.lorenzoni at icann.org
> Phone: +32.2.234 78 69
> Mobile: +32.475.72 47 47
> Fax: +32 2 234 7848
> Skype: marco_lorenzoni
> ---------------------
> 6, Rond Point Schuman
> B-1040 Brussels, Belgium
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