[AT-Review] Work items

Cheryl Langdon-Orr langdonorr at gmail.com
Sat May 15 07:10:05 UTC 2010

Brian  this is the Skype reference  Willie refereed to (I've also left in
some additional chatter that is in context  from the flow at the time) (note
time stamps are from my lappy so showing as UTC+10)

 .... [5/7/2010 2:09:26 AM] Kieren McCarthy: Hope you've also found the
Accountability and Transparency Frameworks and Principles - which staff
built out of the One World Trust report:

[5/7/2010 2:13:14 AM] Cheryl Langdon-Orr: From the paper now being discussed
 (based on the One World Trust )  is
Accountability  The GAP framework unpacks accountability into four
dimensions: transparency, participation, evaluation, and complaint and
response mechanisms. These enable an organization to give an account to,
take account of, and be held to account by, stakeholders; and are a
reflection of an organization’s proactive or reactive approach to
accountability. To be accountable, an organization needs to integrate all
dimensions into its policies, procedures and practice, at all levels and
stages of decision-making and implementation, in relation to key
stakeholders.  [Provided for discussion purposes only, derived from the work
of the One World Trust Global Accountability Project.]

Transparency.  The provision of accessible and timely information to
stakeholders and the opening up of organizational procedures, structures and
processes to their assessment. Transparency refers to an organization’s
openness about its activities: the extent to which it provides information
on what it is doing, where and how this takes place, and how it is
performing. This constitutes basic information necessary for stakeholders to
monitor an organization’s activities. It enables stakeholders to identify if
an organization is operating inside the law, whether it is conforming to
relevant standards, and how its performance relates to targets. In turn,
this enables stakeholders to make informed decisions and choices about the
organization. Transparency not only refers to the organization giving an
account to stakeholders, it also encompasses responding to their requests
for information. It is about providing stakeholders with the information
they need in order to engage in the decisions that affect them. Transparency
is not a one-way flow of information, but an ongoing dialogue between
organization and stakeholders over information provision. (Monica Blagescu,
Lucy de Las Casas and Robert Lloyd:  Pathways to Accountability.  A short
guide to the One World Trust Global Accountability Project [Provided for
discussion purposes only, derived from the work of the One World Trust
Global Accountability Project.]

Public Interest.  The concept of the ‘public interest’ has been described
asreferring to considerations affecting the good order and functioning of
the community and government affairs, for the well-being of citizens. The
expression ‘for the common good’ is also used.  What is in the ‘public
interest’ is incapable of precise definition as there is no single and
immutable public interest. In some ways it is easier to make general
statements about what is not in the public interest than what is in the
public interest.   For example it can be said that the public interest is
distinguishable from a private interest because it extends beyond the
interests of an individual (or possibly even a group of individuals) to the
interests of the community as a whole, or at least a particular group,
sector or geographical division of the community.   However, even such a
statement must be qualified because there are some circumstances where an
individual’s private interests — in privacy and procedural fairness, for
example — are regarded as being in the public interest.

[5/7/2010 2:32:06 AM] Kieren McCarthy: Just in case this is helpful, I would
approach the accountability review by a) looking at the existing
frameworks/principles/promises, and then b) looking at whether ICANN has met
each (and how where it has fallen down, it can be improved) and c) whether
those frameworks/principles/promises are sufficient (and if not, what new
ones would be useful)

[5/7/2010 2:33:22 AM] Cheryl Langdon-Orr: That is certainly in keepoing with
the approach that the Evaluation Criteria WT will soon table

[5/7/2010 2:33:34 AM] Kieren McCarthy: ok cool - thanks Cheryl

Also other refs raised in that chat space that we may need to ensure
attention to detail on... inserted here so we have them 'on file' so to
speak AI's may or may not follow that relate to them....

[5/6/2010 5:53:59 AM] Kieren McCarthy: Worth pointing out that Board passed
a Document Publication Operational Policy at Seoul (
http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/resolutions-30oct09-en.htm). That policy
asks for all docs to come with an exec summary. Not seen any docs with that
summary yet. And not sure final Policy has actually been published on ICANN

[5/6/2010 5:54:03 AM] Ginger(Virginia) Paque: @Sebastien... problem is...
English is the most common 2nd language...

[5/6/2010 5:55:28 AM] Sébastien Bachollet: @Ginger, yes but infortunatly it
is also 1st language for some who get the power :(

[5/6/2010 5:56:38 AM] Kieren McCarthy: Ah - I have found the Document
Publication Operational Policy as a pdf on the Public Participation Board
Committee' webpage:

[5/6/2010 5:57:10 AM] Michele Neylon: Finding documents on the ICANN website
is a skill in itself

[5/6/2010 5:57:57 AM] Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I think  THAT itself will be a
review recommendation  making things / information *accessible* is more than
just language choice and Exec Summaries

[5/6/2010 5:59:11 AM] Kieren McCarthy: I think a big problem re:
accessibility is PDF documents themselves. If posted as HTML, it becomes 100
times easier to find

[5/6/2010 5:59:23 AM] doriavr: this is true, the analysis is vastly

[5/6/2010 5:59:39 AM] Sébastien Bachollet: and to drill down

[5/6/2010 5:59:42 AM] Michele Neylon: Kieren - it should be available as
both - printing a pdf is a lot saner than printing html to be honest.

[5/6/2010 6:00:06 AM] Sébastien Bachollet: no print be Green

[5/6/2010 6:00:16 AM] Rudi Vansnick: it should be accessible based on the
accessiblity standards defined for the net

[5/6/2010 6:00:16 AM] Michele Neylon: Seb - :)

[5/6/2010 6:00:21 AM] Kieren McCarthy: @Michele - easy to create a simple
CSS for printing pages. Click on "print" and you get a nice printable

[5/6/2010 6:00:24 AM] Rudi Vansnick: W3C standards

[5/6/2010 6:01:01 AM] Michele Neylon: @Kieren - doing that takes longer ..
and html > pdf can make for some interesting issues ..

Hope this helps...  Also there was considerable interest from the community
re the Common Pool Resources discussion and I have had this come in from
 Thomas Lowenhaupt*, I said I'd pass the information onto the
ATRT perhaps we should ensure those of us at the IGF also keep a watching
brief in this stream (at the very least) and I'm keen to discuss if we can
as suggested collaborate in some way.

"....Following up on yesterday's conversation about Common Pool Resource

I'm organizing a workshop for Vilnius entitled City TLDs: Governance and
Best Practices. One of the governance options we’d like to present is CPR.
Perhaps there's some way we might collaborate on engaging someone with the
requisite knowledge  in Vilnius."

*Tom Lowenhaupdt – is part of Connecting.nyc
Inc.<http://connectingnyc.org/about-us/>  you
can find his Connecting .nyc presentation at NYC ISOC Chapter materials
here http://www.isoc-ny.org/?p=1515  and his ICANNWiki info is here

Cheryl Langdon-Orr

On 15 May 2010 16:16, Willie Currie <wcurrie at apc.org> wrote:

>  Brian
> I don't have any additional text although I recall some reference perhaps
> from the skype input about staff definitions of accountability...
> Best
> Willie
> Brian Cute wrote:
>  Willie,
> Thanks for that.  I recall the group deciding to add a second paragraph to
> the one you quoted.  Do you have that by chance?  I will look at the
> documents as well to try to find it.
> Best,
> Brian
> *From:* Willie Currie [mailto:wcurrie at apc.org <wcurrie at apc.org>]
> *Sent:* Friday, May 14, 2010 12:18 PM
> *To:* briancute at afilias.info
> *Cc:* olivier.muron at orange-ftgroup.com; at-review at icann.org
> *Subject:* Re: [AT-Review] Work items
> Brian
> I have the following:
> Accountability refers to a process by which individuals and organizations
> are answerable for their actions, decisions and processes on an ongoing
> basis and for the consequences that follow from them.
> Willie
> Brian Cute wrote:
> Willie and Olivier,
> Could you forward the text of the working definition that the Team put
> together during our session.  I would like to include it in the Preliminary
> Report before we post the Report.  Thanks.
> Regards,
> Brian
> *From:* olivier.muron at orange-ftgroup.com [
> mailto:olivier.muron at orange-ftgroup.com <olivier.muron at orange-ftgroup.com>]
> *Sent:* Friday, May 14, 2010 9:47 AM
> *To:* wcurrie at apc.org; briancute at afilias.info
> *Cc:* at-review at icann.org
> *Subject:* RE: [AT-Review] Work items
> Willie, Brian, all,
> I rephrased the first two questions. I don't feel at ease beginning the
> consultation with " Do you think there is a problem...".  I think it might
> be better to begin with a more neutral question."What is your general
> assessment of...".
> I added a general question on ICANN's commitment to the interests of global
> Internet users,
> Best,
> Olivier
>  ------------------------------
> *De :* at-review-bounces at icann.org [mailto:at-review-bounces at icann.org<at-review-bounces at icann.org>]
> *De la part de* Willie Currie
> *Envoyé :* vendredi 14 mai 2010 15:20
> *À :* briancute at afilias.info
> *Cc :* at-review at icann.org
> *Objet :* Re: [AT-Review] Work items
> Brian, all
> Here is the latest version of the questions, with a reformulation of
> question 4 by Fabio.
> Best
> Willie
>   Brian Cute wrote:
> RT,
> Our most immediate work item is the draft questions for the Community that
> were drafted by Cheryl, Olivier and Willie.  We have a *deadline of May 15
> th* to submit the questions for posting.  Please review the questions and
> post any proposed edits so we can meet this deadline.
> Looking forward, since paragraph 9.1 of the AoC has 5 areas of review (the
> Board, the GAC, public input, public support of decisions and policy
> development process), I suggest that we establish “sub-committees” headed by
> two members of the RT who oversee the work of each area of review.  The two
> responsible members would ensure that the review work remains focused and
> aligned with the RT’s methodology and on time for deliverables in December.
> The sub- committee approach would not prevent any RT member from
> participating directly in the work of any of the 5 areas of review – it is
> intended to ensure organization and efficiency given our the limited number
> of members on the RT.
> If this approach is acceptable, please think about the area that you would
> like to volunteer for and indicate that in advance of our next scheduled
> call.  The Doodle for our next call is almost complete.  If you haven’t
> indicated your availability, please do so and we will send out the meeting
> maker and telephone bridge.
> Regards,
> Brian
> ------------------------------
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