[AT-Review] URGENT : Sheraton Commander - Travel Dates

Alice Jansen alice.jansen at icann.org
Thu Sep 23 13:45:16 UTC 2010

Dear Review Team Members,

Carey Andersen, from the Berkman Center, has kindly touched base with the Sheraton Commander Hotel so that ATRT Members could benefit from Harvard corporate rates.
Carey was able to obtain the Harvard rate of $259/night. As a point of reference note that current prices are as follows $349/night or $278/night pre-paid with no option for cancellation.

A block of 20 rooms is currently pre-booked for the ATRT - check-in on Sunday and check out- on Thursday. So as to secure this preferential rate, we would need Members of the ATRT to provide your dates as soon as possible, preferably by today - end your business day, as this offer stands until the end of this week. Boston is busy at this time of the year and the hotel is thus not in a position to hold this spot for an extended period of time.

For Members who require travel support, namely: Cheryl, Willie, Erick, Louie, Peter and Chris, please note that Matt Ashtiani - our travel support coordinator - will contact you very shortly. Meanwhile, please provide your information copying Matt (as cc'es).

For your information, please know that several other local hotels are currently sold out for that particular week. Given the circumstances we would be very grateful if you could please give this matter urgent attention.

Many thanks in advance,

Best regards


Alice E. Jansen
Assistant, Organizational & Affirmation Reviews
alice.jansen at icann.org
Direct Dial: +
Mobile: +
Office Fax: +
Skype: alice_jansen_icann
6, Rond Point Schuman
B-1040 Brussels, Belgium

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