[atrt2] ATRT2 letter to governments

Brian Cute bcute at pir.org
Sun Jun 23 00:14:53 UTC 2013

In order to make the ATRT2's outreach letter to governments effective, it is essential that the letter be addressed to the appropriate government official.  Heather Dryden, Chair of the GAC has offered GAC resources to provide contact information for GAC member countries.  While that information is helpful, in many instances we still do not have the name of the relevant government official/Minister to whom the letter should be addressed.

To expedite the outreach letter, we may need additional resources from the GAC and from ICANN's Government Engagement team to supplement the list.  Heather, would a request that each GAC representative provide the name of the relevant Minister and his/her email address be practical and fruitful?  Additionally, could ICANN's Government Engagement team provide or direct ICANN staff to additional resources that could supplement the list of addresses?  We are open to suggestions as to how to expedite this important task.  The Review Team would like to send the outreach letters by 1 July at the latest.

The ATRT2 greatly appreciates your assistance with this important task. I look forward to your response as to the next steps.

Kind regards,
Brian Cute

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