[atrt2] Next Steps and Thank you!

Denise Michel denise.michel at icann.org
Tue Jan 7 20:45:42 UTC 2014

Dear ATRT2 Members,

Congratulations on submitting your final report.

On behalf of ICANN staff, I would like to thank you for volunteering
your time and effort to help improve ICANN's transparency and
accountability. This is valuable work that underpins ICANN's
legitimacy and could not be accomplished without your commitment and
hard work.

Public comments and staff implementation input will be provided to the
Board to support its consideration of the final report. Once the Board
determines the appropriate course of action, it will adopt a
resolution taking action on the recommendations and directing

Action on the ATRT2 report will, of course, be publicly posted, and we
also will send you follow-up emails to help keep you apprised of
ICANN's progress.

Again, thank you for serving on the ATRT2.


Denise Michel
VP Strategic Initiatives
denise.michel at icann.org

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