[atrt2] Next Steps and Thank you!

David Conrad drc at virtualized.org
Tue Jan 7 21:03:15 UTC 2014

Denise, Larisa, Alice, and Charla,

Thanks very much for all the support you've provided. It has been a sincere pleasure working with you!  I look forward to (hopefully) seeing you all in Singapore.

On Jan 7, 2014, at 12:45 PM, Denise Michel <denise.michel at icann.org> wrote:

> Dear ATRT2 Members,
> Congratulations on submitting your final report.
> On behalf of ICANN staff, I would like to thank you for volunteering
> your time and effort to help improve ICANN's transparency and
> accountability. This is valuable work that underpins ICANN's
> legitimacy and could not be accomplished without your commitment and
> hard work.
> Public comments and staff implementation input will be provided to the
> Board to support its consideration of the final report. Once the Board
> determines the appropriate course of action, it will adopt a
> resolution taking action on the recommendations and directing
> implementation.
> Action on the ATRT2 report will, of course, be publicly posted, and we
> also will send you follow-up emails to help keep you apprised of
> ICANN's progress.
> Again, thank you for serving on the ATRT2.
> Regards,
> Denise
> Denise Michel
> VP Strategic Initiatives
> denise.michel at icann.org
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