[bc-gnso] POSTED: BC comment on Registry Service Provider (RSP) handbook

Steve DelBianco sdelbianco at netchoice.org
Mon Apr 22 16:47:51 UTC 2024

Just posted our comments on the Review of the Draft Registry Service Provider (RSP) Handbook - New gTLD Program<https://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/proceeding/review-of-the-draft-registry-service-provider-rsp-handbook-new-gtld-program-13-03-2024>

ICANN required us to comment on separate questions in the input form shown here<https://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/proceeding/review-of-the-draft-registry-service-provider-rsp-handbook-new-gtld-program-13-03-2024/submissions/icann-business-constituency-22-04-2024>.

But I will post the attached PDF to our Positions page for easier reference.

Thanks again to drafters Segunfunmi Olajide, John Berard, Alan Woods, and Vivek Goyal.

On 4/22/24, 9:22 AM, "Bc-private" <bc-private-bounces at icann.org> wrote:

Just added this new comment, thanks to Vivek Goyal:

Comment on RSP Evaluation Fee
The BC requests ICANN to release the actual sum of RSP Evaluation fees as early as possible. The fees will be a key consideration factor for new RSPs, especially from underrepresented regions, to participate in the program and expand the pool of qualified RSPs. This is important because the current spread of existing RSPs is negligible in the global south.

BC also requests ICANN to accept payments via Credit Cards, in addition to wire transfer. In many countries, international wire transfers are a lengthy and cumbersome process. Accepting credit card payments would make it easier for new RSPs to apply.

I will submit our comment<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xcEo3vtxOmNNM1e4kNbC3Rv1WYWIprIX6k9Qac4nsmI/edit> in the next few hours.

Thanks again to the drafters.

On 4/22/24, 6:26 AM, "Alan Woods" <alan.woods at cleandns.email> wrote:

Thanks to Segunfunmi for the absolute lion’s share here!


From: Steve DelBianco <sdelbianco at netchoice.org>
Date: Sunday, 21 April 2024 at 15:44
To: BC Private <bc-private at icann.org>
Cc: Olajide segunfunmi <olajidesegunfunmi at gmail.com>, John Berard <john at crediblecontext.com>, Alan Woods <alan.woods at cleandns.email>
Subject: LAST CALL: draft BC comment on Registry Service Provider (RSP) handbook
BC members – attached and here<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xcEo3vtxOmNNM1e4kNbC3Rv1WYWIprIX6k9Qac4nsmI/edit> is the draft BC comment on ICANN’s Draft Registry Service Provider (RSP) Handbook - New gTLD Program.   (link<https://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/proceeding/review-of-the-draft-registry-service-provider-rsp-handbook-new-gtld-program-13-03-2024> to comment page).

Segunfunmi Olajide prepared an initial draft that we shared with members last Wednesday.

Since then, we incorporated edits from John Berard and Alan Woods.

Comments close 22-Apr, so please reply with your edit suggestions by 12 UTC on 22-Apr.

Thanks again to drafters.

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