[bylaws-coord] Update requested on overall project plan

Gregory, Holly holly.gregory at sidley.com
Wed Apr 13 13:26:57 UTC 2016

Matthieu, we are feeding our significant edits to ICANN Legal to include in next draft.  I have no clear idea when the next draft will circulate and I don't know how close to final it will be -- that depends on whether our edits are accepted as is or whether there is negotiation. It also depends on when we get the comments from CCWG.  We will need at least 48 hours to review a very close to final draft before we can certify. Holly.

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From: bylaws-coord-bounces at icann.org on behalf of Mathieu Weill via bylaws-coord
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 07:17:33 AM
To: bylaws-coord at icann.org
Subject: [bylaws-coord] Update requested on overall project plan

Dear Colleagues,

As we finalize our feedbacks to the legal teams on the draft Bylaws, and the legal teams are working full steam, the respective groups rightfully start asking questions about the next steps. I read with interest Akram’s blog (https://www.icann.org/news/blog/building-an-enhanced-community-empowered-icann<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.icann.org_news_blog_building-2Dan-2Denhanced-2Dcommunity-2Dempowered-2Dicann&d=CwMFaQ&c=Od00qP2XTg0tXf_H69-T2w&r=1-1w8mU_eFprE2Nn9QnYf01XIV88MOwkXwHYEbF2Y_8&m=BeMR2NiW9uUNVm2x0LKEAykzMvoeRpFg8nC9kdxYgIk&s=jvdDDgKA-8tJMLSyfUGyOpZ9YO0TgcBInon1UtOa3lQ&e=>), which confirms the previous plan of launching a call for comments on the draft Bylaws on April 20.  I assume this was taking into account the various comments from the CWG and CCWG.

In order to avoid any miscommunication when responding to community members requests, I believe we would benefit from an update on the overall project plan, including (and maybe not limited to) :

-          Whether the groups or leaderships will be given an opportunity to review the next version of Bylaws before publication on Apr 20 ?

-          When in the process would the lawyers be in a position to provide a certification to the groups that the Bylaws accurately reflect the reports’ requirements ?

-          If and when it will be expected from the CWG and CCWG, as well as the operational communities maybe, to issue a formal statement on the Bylaws ?

Finally, a statement in Akram’s blog struck me as a shift from our previous discussions. The blog states “The Bylaws will only become effective upon the successful completion of the transition.” I was under the impression in Marrakech that only the subset of Bylaws that are related to the IANA contract expiring would see its effectiveness delayed until the transition. I would appreciate clarification here whether this intent has changes, and what is the rationale.

Thanks in advance for sharing this update with this group, the tighter the deadline, the more critical it is to share up to date information amongst ourselves.


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