[ccPDP4-IDNWG] Joint meeting: ccPDP4 IDN (full) WG and DES SG teleconference | 1 March at 13:00 UTC

Bart Boswinkel bart.boswinkel at icann.org
Mon Feb 28 10:04:30 UTC 2022

Dear Irina,
Thank you very much for your question and suggestion fo0r the stress test.
Going forward I’ll start a repository for stress-tests. Basic idea is to start stress-testing once the basic policy has been developed (and all subgroups have concluded their work).

Kind regards,

From: ccPDP4-IDNWG <ccpdp4-idnwg-bounces at icann.org> on behalf of Irina Danelia via ccPDP4-IDNWG <ccpdp4-idnwg at icann.org>
Reply to: Irina Danelia <i.danelia at cctld.ru>
Date: Sunday, 27 February 2022 at 11:42
To: Kimberly Carlson <kimberly.carlson at icann.org>, "ccpdp4-des-sg at icann.org" <ccpdp4-des-sg at icann.org>, "ccpdp4-idnwg at icann.org" <ccpdp4-idnwg at icann.org>
Subject: Re: [ccPDP4-IDNWG] Joint meeting: ccPDP4 IDN (full) WG and DES SG teleconference | 1 March at 13:00 UTC

Dear all!

Please accept my apologies for not being able to attend the last WG teleconference due to conflicting event.
I’d like to thank the subgroup for the work done and use this list to share my questions/concerns

1) the Additional Text Principle I (page 2 of Basic Policy proposals for IDN ccTLD String Selection Process document) says
“The DES sub group proposes:
If a the name of a Territory is removed from the ISO3166 because it is divided into two or more new ones or two or more countries have merged, the removal is considered a “trigger event” and causes the initiation of the process for the retirement of all the selected IDN ccTLD(s) (and their variants),which are a meaningful representation of the name of the Territory

Let’s take a hypothetical example for a kind of stress-testing :
Let’s imagine that that there are 2 countries South-East Lucubu (.lu) and North-West Lucubu (.lc). Both countries speak Lucubu language and use Lucubu script.  South-East Lucubu (.lu) got am IDN TLD which is the name of the country Lucubu (meaningful representation of the country Lucubu) in Lucubu language and script.
One day both country merge under the name United Lucubu that gets .lc country-code and .lu is removed from ISO list.

How will the proposed policy work in this case?

2) Section 1.3.1 (page 17), 1.3.2 (page 21), 1.3.3 (page 23) include the language:
“ICANN is not expected to actively seek confirmation of association or dis-association of an IDNccTLD string with the name of the Territory (of change of status of a language, change of status of the script).
However, if ICANN receives a valid request  for an IDNccTLD string for a Territory which is …. “

Does it mean that
a) even if the IDN string  is not associated with the name of territory or the language is not designated or the status of the script has changed, nothings will happen ( no steps to de-select and retire TLD will be taken) until the NEW request for an IDNccTLD string for a a Territory is received?
b) May or may not ICANN org take any actions on its sole discretion without such a request? My understanding is MAY NOT, but if so,  I’d appreciated clearer language

I’ll be happy to discuss during the next call

Best regards,

From: ccPDP4-IDNWG <ccpdp4-idnwg-bounces at icann.org> On Behalf Of Kimberly Carlson via ccPDP4-IDNWG
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2022 12:48 AM
To: ccpdp4-des-sg at icann.org; ccpdp4-idnwg at icann.org
Subject: Re: [ccPDP4-IDNWG] Joint meeting: ccPDP4 IDN (full) WG and DES SG teleconference | 1 March at 13:00 UTC

Please find attached the DES proposal doc that will be referenced (item 3) during Tuesday’s call.


From: Kimberly Carlson <kimberly.carlson at icann.org<mailto:kimberly.carlson at icann.org>>
Date: Friday, February 25, 2022 at 5:33 AM
To: "ccpdp4-des-sg at icann.org<mailto:ccpdp4-des-sg at icann.org>" <ccpdp4-des-sg at icann.org<mailto:ccpdp4-des-sg at icann.org>>, "ccpdp4-idnwg at icann.org<mailto:ccpdp4-idnwg at icann.org>" <ccpdp4-idnwg at icann.org<mailto:ccpdp4-idnwg at icann.org>>
Subject: Joint meeting: ccPDP4 IDN (full) WG and DES SG teleconference | 1 March at 13:00 UTC

Dear all,

The joint meeting:  ccPDP4 IDN (full) WG and DES SG teleconference has been scheduled for 1 March at 13:00 UTC.

Joint meeting: ccPDP4 IDN (full) WG and DES SG teleconference
1. Welcome
2. Administrative matters
Formation of Confusing Similarities call for volunteers / leadership appointment
29 March kick-off 13:00 UTC
3. Introduce Deselection Proposal – second reading
Explanation of recommendations
Seek feedback and input
Next steps for DES SG
4. ICANN73 – update to the community/GAC – Slides/presentation
5. Next meetings:
8 March | 13:00-14:00 UTC – ICANN73 Joint meeting: ccNSO-GAC
22 March | 14:00 UTC – Variant Management SG
29 March | 13:00 UTC – Confusing Similarities SG Kick-off (timing and meeting cadence will be discussed)
6. AOB
7. Closure

Please find the call details below:
Join Zoom Meeting
https://icann.zoom.us/j/98173116601?pwd=VGFyTGEycDZUVkdPVytDdW5LOGY5UT09 [icann.zoom.us]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/icann.zoom.us/j/98173116601?pwd=VGFyTGEycDZUVkdPVytDdW5LOGY5UT09__;!!PtGJab4!occW7jRkEjz8XBFemUtQgCGG_e-b6hfPOPC4HTSMW5aJHPixBxDMhuI_gXLLU2jNMWMMqWR5hA$>

Meeting ID: 981 7311 6601
Passcode: ccPDP4-301

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