[Area 1] Sub Group 1 - Preliminary Draft

Bruce Tonkin Bruce.Tonkin at melbourneit.com.au
Sun Dec 14 00:01:32 UTC 2014

Hello Samantha,

Is it possible to split this presentation from London into its two components?

The first few slides list some of the accountability mechanisms available within the ICANN structure.   The ATRT2 review identified some improvements to make to these mechanisms. 

The slides from 11-28 are a general presentation about accountability from Professor Jan Aart Scholte, School of Global Studies, .University of Gothenburg.

He lists 9  framing questions to consider when looking at accountability mechanisms:

(1) What is accountability?

	- processes whereby an actor answers to other actors for the impacts on them of its actions and omissions

(2) with what components?

	- transparency

	- consultation

	-  monitoring and evaluation

	-  correction and redress

(3) for what purpose?

	- financial review; 'the accounts'

	- performance measurement

	- democratic participation/control

	- moral probity; ecological integrity; peace; etc.

(4) Accountability by whom?

	- challenge of pinning down and specifying impact in the context of complex polycentric governance

(5) for what?

	- actual formal mandate

	- desired mandate (content? spam? digital access?)

(6) to whom?

	- 'the public' of significantly affected people (but metaphysical, ecological?)
	- 'the public' not unitary, as different people are differently affected

	-  constituencies (divisions within and overlaps between)

(7) for whom?

	- myth of a universal 'global community' with same interests and equal power

	- skewed accountability on lines of age, caste, class, (dis)ability, faith, gender, geography, language, nationality, race, sexuality

(8) via what channels?

	- hegemonic veto

	- intergovernmental multilateralism

	- (global) political parties and parliaments

	- multi-stakeholder arrangements

	- civil society deliberation and mobilization

	- judiciary (court, inspection panel, evaluation exercises, ombudsman)

	- mass media

(9) how accountably?

	- 'When you point a finger, you need to do it with a clean hand'
	-  transparency, consultation, monitoring and redress of those who (claim to) speak for affected publics

Bruce Tonkin

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