[ChineseGP] material for agenda item-1 of Sunday CJK meeting

HiroHOTTA hotta at jprs.co.jp
Fri Jun 19 17:13:13 UTC 2015

                                                    21 June 2015

Recap of CJK coordination meeting on 15&16 May 2015 in Seoul

A. Agreement

  A1 The CJK GPs agree with the principle framework of Yoneya's 
     proposed algorithm for coordination of the CJK LGRs for 
     Han characters, and agree to work together to refine the 
     algorithm to incorporate respective language requirements

B. Important pick-ups from what IP says

  B1 If 3GP share some subtypes, WLE must be coordinated. But if 
     3GP do not share any subtype, 3GP don't need to coordinate 
     regarding WLE, technically.
     Ex, C wants S,T,B, J wants just A, there's no need no 
         coordinate regarding the WLE.

  B2 IP wants to see a small number (such as 3) of allocatable 
     labels within variant labels. IP doesn't intend to say '3'
     is a specific number they must observe.

C. Future schedule & homework

  C1 CGP and JGP will review the output of LGR-2 applied Yoneya's
     algorithm and give a formal comment or conclusion of output.
        (Wang Wei and Yoneya)

  C2 Statistics of label application and delegation historically.
        (Dr. Yan and Yoneya)

  C3 CGP will draft a question list and write CJK public 
     letter for IP of ICANN by the end of this month and send to JGP
     and KGP for their feedback to see if we need to make it the CJK 
     letter and bring it to ICANN53.
        (Wang Wei)

  C4 Agreed terminology document by ICANN53.

  C5 Agreed algorithm document by ICANN53.

  C6 KGP drafts issue list and timeline by ICANN53.
        (KGP chair)

  C7 CJK wants 1 meeting before and after IP meeting (90 Min). 


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