[council] Meeting Protocol for Brussels and beyond...

Adrian Kinderis adrian at ausregistry.com.au
Wed Jun 2 06:49:24 UTC 2010

Interesting... thanks Bill.

I think you all (y'all) are missing the point about being elected representatives. The community input and participation is sufficiently covered - and if not, I have suggested mechanisms where their input is heard (via Councillors and or through the Chair). I do not consider this Draconian. Draconian would be to exclude them altogether or ask them for their input prior to the meeting. This is being organised and efficient. Don't forget, everyone gets a say.

In the same vain why aren't our GNSO calls open for the public?

I also think it is important to raise the profile of our Councilors (and the prestige for that matter). Folks should be made to feel comfortable to use them to convey a point of view. Also, Councilors work very hard, it could be considered a position of value to have been elected to sit at the table and to have the ability to converse directly with Staff and the Board. You never know, it may entice more folks to want to put themselves forward as Councilors if they can see an immediate benefit.

I think talking to repeat offenders "offline" is a useless exercise and potentially creates a difficult and embarrassing situation. Why should we have to play police officer? I'd like to avoid that tension completely.

With reference to my offer for drinks... we did it, but I had too many members of the public claiming their right for a drink and ran out of money ;)

By the way, I am  against any invitation or information with the words "inter alia" included. Makes me feel that only the smart people are invited...


Adrian Kinderis

From: William Drake [mailto:william.drake at graduateinstitute.ch]
Sent: Wednesday, 2 June 2010 4:20 PM
To: Adrian Kinderis
Cc: council at gnso.icann.org Council
Subject: Re: [council] Meeting Protocol for Brussels and beyond...

Hi Adrian,

On Jun 2, 2010, at 2:24 AM, Adrian Kinderis wrote:

I would like to suggest that there be no questions from the floor during these sessions.

When we last had this conversation didn't we decide against draconian measures that would preclude community participation (and were hence poorly received by some) and for some intermediate steps like only Councilors at the table, chair gives preference to Councilor comments and right sizes the time for others, etc?  If people think this has not worked sufficiently, wouldn't it be possible to simply have an offline conversation with the most relevant parties saying please respect the following ground rules, and to reiterate these at the outset of meetings?

On Jun 2, 2010, at 2:51 AM, Adrian Kinderis wrote:

I'll shout an extra round at the bar on Saturday night to make up for it :)

Hmm...didn't I hear something like this a few meetings ago, didn't materialize... :-)

BTW, on the matter of after hour amusement, perhaps I'll pass along something I pointed out to NCSG, might be of interest to some here:

On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 1:33 PM, William Drake
<william.drake at graduateinstitute.ch<mailto:william.drake at graduateinstitute.ch>> wrote:


Just an FYI for people who will be attending ICANN Brussels, as with Paris two summers ago, this meeting overlaps with the annual Fete de la Musique held across France, Belgium, Switzerland, etc.  Just had a look at the program http://2010.fetedelamusique.be/recherches?tid=&tid_1=All&city=Bruxelles and inter alia Saturday night 19th Toots and the Maytals is playing in the park near the conference site.

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