[council] Singapore Agenda Item: New gTLDs, Subsequent Application Rounds

Jonathan Robinson jrobinson at afilias.info
Tue Mar 18 12:19:51 UTC 2014

Thanks Bret,


I think this item may have got eclipsed by all of the other activity on
Friday and over the weekend.


In any case, the point is noted and currently I think we can aim to fit this
into the weekend sessions.


The draft agenda for Wednesday is looking full-ish for a two hour meeting
but I am open to persuasion as to whether we discuss this on Wed.




From: Bret Fausett [mailto:bret at nic.sexy] 
Sent: 14 March 2014 15:39
To: Council
Subject: [council] Singapore Agenda Item: New gTLDs, Subsequent Application


Dear Councillors,


I would like to propose that we add some time on our Singapore agenda for
discussing next steps in preparation for Round 2 of the new gTLD launch. As
you may know, in the Applicant Guidebook, ICANN wrote the following about
subsequent new gTLD rounds:


1.1.6 Subsequent Application Rounds


ICANN's goal is to launch subsequent gTLD application

rounds as quickly as possible. The exact timing will be

based on experiences gained and changes required after

this round is completed. The goal is for the next application

round to begin within one year of the close of the

application submission period for the initial round.


ICANN has committed to reviewing the effects of the New

gTLD Program on the operations of the root zone system

after the first application round, and will defer the

delegations in a second application round until it is

determined that the delegations resulting from the first

round did not jeopardize root zone system security or



It is the policy of ICANN that there be subsequent

application rounds, and that a systemized manner of

applying for gTLDs be developed in the long term.


The "the close of the application submission period for the initial round"
was May, 2012, so the goal for the launch of Round 2 has already been
missed, by a material amount of time. I think we all would agree that many
aspects of the program, from the application process to the review and
implementation, should be reviewed and revisited. 


Let's spend some time discussing "subsequent application rounds" and see if
we can come to a shared understanding of what the proper next steps would
be, including the role of the Council and the GNSO in the review process. 


I'm looking forward to seeing everyone in Singapore.




Bret Fausett, Esq. . General Counsel, Uniregistry, Inc. 
12025 Waterfront Drive, Suite 200 . Playa Vista, CA 90094-2536
310-496-5755 (T) . 310-985-1351 (M) . bret at uniregistry.com
- - - - - 



Bret Fausett, Esq. . General Counsel, Uniregistry, Inc. 
12025 Waterfront Drive, Suite 200 . Playa Vista, CA 90094-2536
310-496-5755 (T) . 310-985-1351 (M) . bret at nic.sexy
- - - - - 


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