[Ctn-crosscom] Interim Paper for public comment

Jaap Akkerhuis jaap at NLnetLabs.nl
Wed Jan 25 12:48:41 UTC 2017

 Emily Barabas writes:

 > Please find attached a revised version of the CWG-UCTN Interim Paper.
 > This version incorporates language to reflect a lack of consensus on
 > recommendation 3.
 > Kindly provide any final revisions or comments on the Interim Paper by
 > Friday 3 February.

Dear Emily,

I did a quick scan and noticed that something went with the two
"Frames" about the ISO 3166. They now look as a single one to me. But
apart from that, the first one seemed to have a garbled sentences here
and there. Note the start of the second section, to quote:

	The ISO body responsible for the standard 3166 is the
	Technical Committee 46, systems etc. and as non-current,
	dependencies, and other areas of particular geopolitical
	interest (ISO/TC 46/WG2).

And there are more of these.

I will have a nore close read later, but these things really needs to
be clean up.



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