[CWG-DT-Stewardship] 6 hours left -- Final Edits due at 23:59 UTC on 12 August

Julie Hammer julie.hammer at bigpond.com
Wed Aug 13 07:50:35 UTC 2014

Hi Marika,

...or, if those documents are easy to access, then we can just include a reference and not worry about an annex.  Works for me either way.  I will defer to Becky on this one.

Cheers,  Julie

On 13 Aug 2014, at 5:00 pm, Marika Konings <marika.konings at icann.org> wrote:

In relation to item 2, I believe the reference is to the following documents: https://community.icann.org/download/attachments/48347144/IANA%20Function%20Summary%20Chart.docx?api=v2 and https://community.icann.org/download/attachments/48347144/IANA%20SOW%20Summary.docx?api=v2 , which were provided by Becky at the start of the DT's deliberations which are also posted on the DT wiki page (https://community.icann.org/x/CLjhAg). One is a function summary and the other one a statement of work summary. If this is indeed correct, we can include both documents in the annex to the charter.

Best regards,


From: Julie Hammer <julie.hammer at bigpond.com>
Date: Wednesday 13 August 2014 00:34
To: Grace Abuhamad <grace.abuhamad at icann.org>
Cc: "CWG-DT-Stewardship at icann.org" <CWG-DT-Stewardship at icann.org>
Subject: Re: [CWG-DT-Stewardship] 6 hours left -- Final Edits due at 23:59	UTC on 12 August

Hi Grace and good morning everyone,

I've had a final look through the document and all the emails that have come in overnight.  I agree with the change of title proposed by Allan, I am happy with the revised wording covering consensus, and also happy with all the other proposed edits with a couple of small suggestions in the section titled 'Scope'.   

1.  The words that Grace captured in our teleconference regarding scope exclusions currently read:

For greater certainty, issues related to naming policy e.g. delegation, redelegation or revocation of ccTLDs, RAA related policy issues etc. are not within the scope of the CWG.

I find the phrase 'For greater certainty' a little awkward.  As this sentence follows another sentence about an exclusion, can I suggest we change this phrase to simply 'Additionally'?  This would then read:

The issue of who performs the Root Zone Maintainer (RZM) role is not in scope for the CWG and should be dealt with in a subsequent effort as needed. Additionally, issues related to naming policy e.g. delegation, redelegation or revocation of ccTLDs, RAA related policy issues etc. are not within the scope of the CWG.

2.  I also note that the second sentence under the heading 'Scope' states:

The Annex to this Charter contains a summary and description of the IANA functions drawn from the NTIA’s statement of work for that IANA contract. 

That Annex still needs to be added or the reference to it removed.

Cheers,  Julie

On 13 Aug 2014, at 4:00 am, Grace Abuhamad <grace.abuhamad at icann.org> wrote:

Hi all, 

Just a quick reminder that we are 6h away from our final edits deadline. 

From: Grace Abuhamad <grace.abuhamad at icann.org>
Date: Monday, August 11, 2014 9:59 PM
To: "CWG-DT-Stewardship at icann.org" <CWG-DT-Stewardship at icann.org>
Subject: [CWG-DT-Stewardship] Latest Draft Charter -- Final Edits due at 23:59 UTC on 12 August (in 22 hours!)

Hi all, 

Attached are two versions of the updated draft charter (redline and clean). 

I used Stephanie's "minor edits" document as the base for the rest of the proposed changes. I've outlined the changes I made for your reference:  
Section II: Included Julie's text (first sentence of "Goals & Objectives" section)
Section III: Deleted everything except for the first sentence in point 2 of the work plan, upon Chuck's suggestion.
Section IV: 
Included Stephanie's text. 
Completed text relating to staff assignment in "Staffing & Resources" (Grace/Staff). 
Included Allan's text on resourcing (can the DT confirm the placement of the text in the charter?). 
Note: I am missing text from Byron, but I left the text discussed on the call as a placeholder. 
Final edits are due at 23:59 UTC on 12 August (in 22 hours!). 

Please let me know if you would like to schedule a final call.   
- Grace

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