[DT-F] Design Team F kickoff

David Conrad david.conrad at icann.org
Tue Apr 7 22:05:39 UTC 2015


> David¹s proposed principles are a nice starting point but are quite generic
> and I don¹t see the value of calling for things like ³accuracy² ­ no one will
> argue for inaccuracy and unless we can propose a framework that we believe
> improves accuracy, stability, etc. I am not sure of the value of such an
> exercise.

I had thought the idea behind the framework was that it would come up with
the mechanisms by which the root management system could  evolve, including
such areas as accuracy, stability, etc., instead of having us come up with
that evolution (in 3 days and counting).  This isn't suggesting that anyone
would argue for inaccuracy, rather it is suggesting that it would be good to
have a process by which the existing system can be improved.

My understanding of the call for principles was to make sure we were all on
the same page with regards to what we wanted to address in terms of the
characteristics of the post-NTIA root management system.  I don't have a
strong opinion on that matter, but figured it might be helpful.

> I suggest that we continue working on this beyond the 4 days and start
> adjusting our framework to the proposed model that the CWG seems to be
> converging on.

A step before that would be to actually have a framework, no?


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