[CWG-RFP3] Coordination of Subgroup 3

Guru Acharya gurcharya at gmail.com
Mon Nov 3 21:16:36 UTC 2014

Hi Greg,

The list of variables (A to J) is an interesting starting point for the
discussion. I feel these variables need to be woven in with the various
structural options so that the constraints for each of the variables can be

I have tried to create a diagrammatic representation which hopefully
captures and explains some of the variables and constraints. This is very
similar to what Jordan Carter has already done but hopes to capture some of
that in one page.

Please let me know if I have represented the subsidiary variations


On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 1:43 PM, Greg Shatan <gregshatanipc at gmail.com> wrote:

> All:
> Thank you again for your support and commitment.
> 1.  As an initial matter, I would like to suggest that we have a
> conference call of this subgroup on Thursday, November 6 from 14:00 to
> 15:30 UTC.  I don't think there is enough time before Tuesday's call of the
> CWG to have a subgroup.  If you cannot participate at this time, please
> respond ASAP.  If the time doesn't work, we'll go to a Doodle poll, but I
> think a call of this subgroup this week is critical to moving forward in a
> timely fashion.
> 2.  I have created a draft document with a proposed list of topics that
> need to be addressed by any proposal, along with several variables for each
> topic.  I think it is important to identify the topics any proposal needs
> to address before we move on to drafting any particular proposal(s).  A
> great deal of this document is based on proposals drafted by Allan
> McGillivray, for which I am exceedingly grateful.  I also tried to draw on
> the active discussions on the general list up to this time.  This document
> is only intended as a starting point, and can be put up in Google Drive
> and/or a wiki by staff or by myself.
> 3.  I have also provided a draft document with pro's and con's and
> questions relating to one of the key topics -- the status of the IANA
> Operating Function -- and three potential variables (IANA stays as is, IANA
> becomes a subsidiary of ICANN, IANA is independent of ICANN).  Again, this
> document reflects contributions by Allan to  a very great extent, is only
> intended as a starting point, and can be put into Google Drive and/or a
> wiki.
> 4.  Allan also prepared a draft document of Objectives.  I have included
> this document as well.
> 4. For clarity please use "Subject" lines that reflect the contents of
> your email.  Please start new threads or rename threads if you are going
> off in a new direction or diving into details on a particular subtopic,
> rather than merely replying to a general email like this one.  That will
> make it much easier to capture ideas without too much hunting.
> I look forward to comments and discussions of these documents and based on
> these documents   (Of course, these documents do not reflect the views of
> my employer (nor do Allan's contributions reflect the views of his
> employer).)
> I hope this is helpful to our task.
> Best regards,
> Greg
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