[CWG-RFP3] Coordination of Subgroup 3

Kieren McCarthy kieren at kierenmccarthy.com
Wed Nov 5 20:30:19 UTC 2014

I'd forgotten how tiresome it is interacting with you, Milton.

There are three main roles in making changes to the root zone file:
Operator, Administrator, Maintainer. Requests go through each one in turn.
In the middle is the Administrator.

In two months, this group will propose what to do with that Administrator
role. Some are suggesting getting rid of it altogether.

We are talking with the Operator (in fact, we have an ex-Operator posting
to the list). We are talking with the Maintainer (in fact, we have several
representatives from the Maintainer posting to this list).

I am suggesting that we also talk to the Administrator.

How this is a controversial viewpoint is quite beyond me.


On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 11:43 AM, Milton L Mueller <mueller at syr.edu> wrote:

> * The NTIA performs a certain role that it has asked the Internet
> community to replace
> Incorrect. NTIA has never used the word “replace.” It has ALWAYS used the
> word “transition.” Which means there need not be a 1-to-1 mapping between
> what NTIA currently does and what the new arrangements are.
> * We think we know what role is but we're not sure
> Wrong again. Most of us do know what that role is, the IANA contract and a
> growing body of additional commentary (e.g., SSAC paper, IANA slide
> presentation at ICANN51) elaborates. A few ambiguities about whether the
> registry change requests came before or after the NTIA review and approval
> were just cleared up by David.
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