[CWG-RFP3] Coordination of Subgroup 3

Seun Ojedeji seun.ojedeji at gmail.com
Wed Nov 5 20:14:04 UTC 2014

On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 8:43 PM, Milton L Mueller <mueller at syr.edu> wrote:

> * The NTIA performs a certain role that it has asked the Internet
> community to replace
> Incorrect. NTIA has never used the word “replace.” It has ALWAYS used the
> word “transition.” Which means there need not be a 1-to-1 mapping between
> what NTIA currently does and what the new arrangements are.

Well i won't necessarily agree to Milton's description of what transition
mean in the context of what NTIA wants. The NTIA role definitely doesn’t
have to be mapped one-to-one, as some of the role can simply cease to exist
(i.e they may become unnecessary to transition)


> * We think we know what role is but we're not sure
> Wrong again. Most of us do know what that role is, the IANA contract and a
> growing body of additional commentary (e.g., SSAC paper, IANA slide
> presentation at ICANN51) elaborates. A few ambiguities about whether the
> registry change requests came before or after the NTIA review and approval
> were just cleared up by David.
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*Seun Ojedeji,Federal University Oye-Ekitiweb:      http://www.fuoye.edu.ng
<http://www.fuoye.edu.ng> Mobile: +2348035233535**alt email:
<http://goog_1872880453>seun.ojedeji at fuoye.edu.ng
<seun.ojedeji at fuoye.edu.ng>*

The key to understanding is humility - my view !
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