[DTC CSC] Feedback to DT M

Donna Austin Donna.Austin at ariservices.com
Thu Apr 9 18:53:08 UTC 2015

Hi Staffan

I think your suggested responses reflect the concerns we discussed yesterday. 

In thinking about this, it does raise the question of whether we should include the following in our Charter: "The CSC may receive complaints from registry operators regarding IANA performance and can act as an intermediary in an attempt to resolve complaints."

The CSC should be aware of individual complaints, as Stephanie noted yesterday, but I don't see a role for the CSC in dispute resolution. 

If we allow the CSC to receive complaints they will have to become decision makers and in terms of remedies or enforcement I just don't think we want the CSC to become embroiled in such disagreements, which I think was largely Martin's point yesterday, particularly when you consider that you would have registry operators involved in disputes between IANA and other registry operators.

So, I think you have captured our discussion of yesterday well, but I think our team needs to think a bit more about whether to maintain the point above in the Charter. I'd welcome input from others.



-----Original Message-----
From: dt3-bounces at icann.org [mailto:dt3-bounces at icann.org] On Behalf Of Staffan Jonson
Sent: Thursday, 9 April 2015 8:40 AM
To: dt3 at icann.org
Subject: [DTC CSC] Feedback to DT M


DT M is eager for feedback from my questions last.

I propose I send them text below. OK?

Any input welcome


DT C had a meeting Wednesday regarding coming proposal. We had due to lack of time a very short discussion on proposed escalation process as described by me in previous papers. 
My take-back from DT C is that there are some issues with the proposal presented by DT M, e.g.

*Initial text*
- Initial language giving 'Anyone' standing to initiate complaints according to Customer Service Complaint Resolution Process was not considered consistent with expectations formulated in DT C - CSC. According to DT C proposal, CSC should be kept a minimal organization (maybe only five members). Giving Anyone standing to open complaints might risk overburdening the CSC functions, and thus malfunction. 

*Customer Service Complaint Resolution Process* (according to Annex Y, Step 2)
- Another issue is the idea of having CSC acting as mediator. According to DT C proposal, CSC should be kept a minimal organization (maybe only five members). The role as mediator would thereby not fit into this minimalistic approach. 

- A third issue is how a potential mediator role in CSC would be appointed, by who, and by what rules? 

My conclusion is that we will not have time for developing a consensus on this between DT:s before Monday, so I suggest we leave text with brackets/placeholders for different views.




staffan.jonson at iis.se
 +46 73 317 39 67

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