[DTC CSC] Feedback to DT M

Staffan Jonson staffan.jonson at iis.se
Thu Apr 9 15:40:23 UTC 2015


DT M is eager for feedback from my questions last.

I propose I send them text below. OK?

Any input welcome


DT C had a meeting Wednesday regarding coming proposal. We had due to lack of time a very short discussion on proposed escalation process as described by me in previous papers. 
My take-back from DT C is that there are some issues with the proposal presented by DT M, e.g.

*Initial text*
- Initial language giving 'Anyone' standing to initiate complaints according to Customer Service Complaint Resolution Process was not considered consistent with expectations formulated in DT C - CSC. According to DT C proposal, CSC should be kept a minimal organization (maybe only five members). Giving Anyone standing to open complaints might risk overburdening the CSC functions, and thus malfunction. 

*Customer Service Complaint Resolution Process* (according to Annex Y, Step 2)
- Another issue is the idea of having CSC acting as mediator. According to DT C proposal, CSC should be kept a minimal organization (maybe only five members). The role as mediator would thereby not fit into this minimalistic approach. 

- A third issue is how a potential mediator role in CSC would be appointed, by who, and by what rules? 

My conclusion is that we will not have time for developing a consensus on this between DT:s before Monday, so I suggest we leave text with brackets/placeholders for different views.




staffan.jonson at iis.se
 +46 73 317 39 67

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