[DTC CSC] Notes, Recordings, Transcript DT-C Meeting #6 8 April

Brenda Brewer brenda.brewer at icann.org
Wed Apr 8 16:46:36 UTC 2015

Dear all, 


The notes, recordings and transcripts for the DT-C Meeting #6 on 8 April are available here:

Action Items

Action Staffan: draft note to reflect concerns of DT C first for DT C

Action Bernie and Bart look at template to submit information and material

Action staff: Send Doodle poll for call l on Friday 10 April.  (completed)


CSC Charter

Version includes everybody's comments

Did everybody read latest version?

Comment Staffan:

Comments from DT M


Donna :Question, what is overriding DT?

Issue around remit of CSC

Ability for CSC to provide sub-committees

Discussion of CSC charter

(Stephanie version)


Issue around Mission third paragraph: should CSC be mepowered to initiate communicate process?

Comment Martin: CSC should defer issue up to  ccNSO and GNSO. triggered by work of the CCWG, whereby

Staffan: CSC should be triggering entity, what are triggers also discussed in DT M

Need to define terms as suggested (serious and persistent deficiencies.

Donna: Alternative is to send it up to ccNSO and GNSO., despite of recommendations of CCWG, which
are not known yet.

Martin: Referencing up, avoids the need to defeine terms. Avoids 

Stephanie: day-to day monitoring is the core activity. there is a need to handle the issues.

Mission statement needs to be updated

Scope of Responsibilities

Issue that individual concerns handled in timely way.

Comment: Keep in Annex or as part of SLE.

Martin: CSC viewed as avenue to deal with complaints of individual operators

Need a second level

Donna: Take out text out and keep it for the CSC basic document

Should periodic reviews of SOW be under remit of  CSC?

Martin: should be picked up by GNSO and ccNSO

Staffan: Keep as placeholder

Suggested changes by David Conrad:

Martin: Not happy with introducing an Authorization Function. 

David: Role of Authorization

This is about deployment of technological changes, NOT about changes to the root zone file. Example,
changes to changes 

Need of some body, with oversight, empowerd to create body of experts that are able to provide

Staffan: Need for this role is clear, however questionable whether absolutely necessary for CSC to

If not within CSC, where to put it?

Martin: It woul dneceesary to use the regualr meeting, but looking at ad-hoc process. IANA Function
Operator should consult widely.

Donna: in interest of time. What is result of consultation, what is next logical step.

Await language from David


Donna: The GNSO is much larger body, hence introduction of non-registry liaison

Martin: Balance issue. ccTLD perform some of the roles

Staffan: depends on existence of MRT. Keep in as placeholder.

Stephanie: supports Donna fro the recors. The balance should be between gTLD and ccTLD operators

Donna: Selection process, copied from SSAC. 

Unclear whether to  be included 

Term of representatives. Term of 2 years agreed, 

Meetings: Agreed

Secretariat: IANA Function Operator

Review: Separate review charter from review of performance

Process for remedial action

Focus on Customer Service Complaint Resolution Process. Who may inititaite second process, who has

Martin: major issues with remedial role of CSC, in particular for individual cases.

Only is case of systemic failures potential role for CSC.

General question: who should have a role 

Donna: According  to charter CSC could play a role, but not as a mediator, however need to avoid
possibility of forum-shopping CSC only customers

Staffan: will take views back to DT M. Need to communicate concerns.

Action Staffan: draft note to reflect concerns of DT C first for DT C

Martin: Ensuring IANA Function Operator keeps up Service na service levels.

Sidley view seems to be more in line with view DT M ( see page 6) 

Recommendation Document

Format is for shorter set off recommendations. 

Action Bernie and Bart look at template to submit information and material

Action staff: Send Doodle poll for call l on Friday 10 April.


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