[DTC CSC] CSC Charter 0 7

Grace Abuhamad grace.abuhamad at icann.org
Sat Apr 11 15:30:20 UTC 2015

Hi Donna and all, 

Will you submit your document to the CWG today? I¹ll be sending out the
reading list in an hour and would like to include DT-C if possible.


From:  Donna Austin <Donna.Austin at ariservices.com>
Date:  Friday, April 10, 2015 at 4:31 PM
To:  "dt3 at icann.org" <dt3 at icann.org>
Subject:  [DTC CSC] CSC Charter 0 7

I think I¹ve captured the changes suggested from the call this morning.
On the big issue of Œtechnological changes¹ I¹ve flagged that the Design
Team has concerns about the CSC being responsible for anything other than
monitoring. I¹ve also provided some new text to try to overcome that
concern, which I¹m repeating here for ease of reference. I¹m happy to take
this out and just leave what we had and express our concerns if others do
not think this is a viable option in that it does not overcome our primary
The CSC, in consultation with registry operators, is authorised to discuss
with the IANA Functions Operator ways to enhance the provision of IANA¹s
operational services to meet changing technological environments; as a means
to address performance issues; or other unforeseen circumstances. In the
event it is agreed that a material change in IANA functions services or
operations would be beneficial, the CSC reserves the right to call for a
community consultation and independent validation, to be convened by IANA,
on the proposed change. Any recommended change must be approved by the ccNSO
and RySG.
The IANA Functions Operator would be responsible for implementing any
recommended changes and must ensure that sufficient testing is undertaken to
ensure smooth transition and no disruption to service levels.
I¹m conscious that we need to wrap this up today and get to the CWG, but it
would be useful if we could defer until such time as Staffan and Martin have
had a chance to review.

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