[DTC CSC] CSC role in disputes between IANA and registry operator

Kim Davies kim.davies at icann.org
Wed Apr 15 00:45:04 UTC 2015

Hi Donna,

> On Apr 14, 2015, at 12:52 PM, Donna Austin <Donna.Austin at ariservices.com> wrote:
> Kim, I think I recall you saying previously that as part of the reporting IANA currently provides to NTIA that these instances or disputes are captured as part of a confidential report. If this is the case then it would seem that there is a process in place to bring to the attention of the CSC times when the RO and IANA have been in some dispute and the outcome.

In the confidential monthly report tendered to NTIA, there is a table where we list all tickets that have lasted longer than 30 days in the reporting period, plus the current status. To paraphrase two entries from last month’s report, it looks like this:

TLD: <tld>
Tracking System Number: 123456
Change type: ns, so change, tc change, url, ac change
Date of receipt of request: 2015-01-20
Last Contractor/Requestor activity date: 2015-02-25
Detailed Status and Activity Toward Resolution: IANA staff received a request to update data for the <tld> domain. As of the end of February, IANA staff was waiting to receive clarifications and documentation from the requesters.

TLD: <tld>
Tracking System Number: 123456
Change type: delegation
Date of receipt of request: 2015-01-22
Last Contractor/Requestor activity date: 2015-02-25
Detailed Status and Activity Toward Resolution: IANA staff received a request to delegate the <tld> domain. No supporting documentation was submitted initially with the request. As of the end of February, IANA staff was waiting to receive documentation in support of the delegation.

If the future model was to substitute the CSC for the NTIA, I suspect you may wish to consider potential sensitivity to some requesters of having the status of their requests, and its potential deficiencies, disclosed to the members of the CSC who may be their peers or competitors.


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