[DTC CSC] Takeaway from presentation - Design Team C - Consumer Standing Committee CSC

Staffan Jonson staffan.jonson at iis.se
Thu Mar 26 10:31:37 UTC 2015

Except remarks supporting the proposal presented today,
 the following comments made its way to my notes:

*Takeaway from presentation - organized thematic:* 

-Actions need to be there day one after IANA transition

Advise to structure - institutional design:
-CSC scoop is currenly too wide. (Elise)
-The proposal need to be an explicit pointer to a function implementing MS - an MRT (Elise)
-There is a need of more MS representation within the CSC group (Greg, Elise)
-IAB is actually a direct customer to since it is operator of .ARPA - hence should be member.
- CSC nominees need to be extremely initiated/knowledgeable/ "CSCmembers should add value"

Escalation mechanisms:
There need to be a timeframe on SLA:s/SLE:s

Representation from MS community:
Transparency of CSC is key
The need for transparency of CSC dwellings
Travel funding
How will representatives be nominated? Within ccNSO?

How will liasons be nominated?

Conflicts of interest within the CSC (Chuck)
How will it be resolved?

Outstanding issues: 
A DT on MRT function is needed for integration.
What effects will the assumption of CSC separation from ICANN have?

A charter for CSC need address more MRT/MS aspects.
A charter need to identify what CSC is not allowed to do - list limitations to mandate for CSC


staffan.jonson at iis.se
 +46 73 317 39 67

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